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Nederlands BELNED Het heeft even drie weken geduurd. maar de nieuwste ronde van het BELNED kampioenschap is ook weer aangemaakt. Het beloofd dit keer een extra lange te worden met 20 races op 20 verschillende circuits. met 20 kwalificaties komt dit op 40 dagen in tota...
on 2024-10-12 22:41:59 by Pollie - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.92)
Nederlands Belned seizoen 27 Vandaag heb ik mijn coureur Clarance Oosting ingeschreven voor het 27ste belned seizoen wij hopen een erg leuk en kwalitatief seizoen te hebben onze aim is top 10 in het kampioenschap maar onze grootste prioriteit is mee doen aan dit geweldige kampio...
on 2024-10-12 15:29:06 by LandoMortis - Likes: 2 | Rating: 2.81)
Italiano NASCAR CaMex - Riverside 300 Ultima tappa per ora in terra canadese e tutta Italia aspetta i nostri piloti chiamati a difendere la vetta della classifica. Qualifica: Nuova pole per Drago ed è la terza su cinque gare; non male per un esordiente. Al suo fianco la Þorvaldsdótt...
on 2024-10-11 23:13:13 by tomcat75 - Likes: 2 | Rating: 1.39)
Español Resumen del 74º Campeonato de España de Fórmula 4 Elisabet Alemany logró su octavo CEF a base de consistencia. La catalana ganó a Álvaro Cobos por sólo 18 puntos, y pese a sumar menos victorias y podios, acabar todas las carreras en el top 10 le dio el título.Detrás de ellos la batalla por el tercer...
on 2024-10-11 11:49:25 by JordiMontané - Likes: 4 | Rating: 5.82)
Català Resum del 74è Campionat d'Espanya de Fórmula 4 Elisabet Alemany va aconseguir el seu vuitè CEF a base de consistència. La catalana va guanyar a Álvaro Cobos per només 18 punts, i tot i sumar menys victòries i podis, acabar totes les curses al top 10 li va donar el títol.Darrere d'ells la batalla ...
on 2024-10-11 11:46:55 by JordiMontané - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.88)
Català "Desafiaments i Resiliència: La Temporada 58 de Miguel Llorens En l'emocionant temporada 58 del joc en línia MyRacingCareer, el pilot Miguel Llorens va començar amb grans expectatives, impulsades pel seu alt rating. Amb l'esperança d'aconseguir el podi en la classificació general, Llorens i el seu equip es van p...
on 2024-10-09 23:05:35 by miguelvr - Likes: 7 | Rating: 13.05)
Italiano NASCAR CaMex - Eastbound 250 Dopo la scorsa gara in cui Santaquilani è Drago hanno avuto dei problemi, continua il campionato sempre in terra canadese. Qualifica: Drago segna il record assoluto del circuito con le Nascar. Dietro di lui uno Shea in progressione. Per Sant...
on 2024-10-09 08:24:26 by tomcat75 - Likes: 3 | Rating: 2.22)
English LEGACY TO CELEBRATE: 40 YEARS OF SENNA DEBUT IN TOLEMAN Ayrton Senna is a national idol in Brazil, even 30 years after his premature passing. We still love and mirror ourselves on his passion, his dedication and his courage. A rebel hero on the tracks, that made Brazil the nation of F1 as much as it...
on 2024-10-07 19:27:50 by johnrafael - Likes: 5 | Rating: 7.25)
Português, Brasil LEGACY TO CELEBRATE: 40 YEARS OF SENNA DEBUT IN TOLEMAN Ayrton Senna is a national idol in Brazil, even 30 years after his premature passing. We still love and mirror ourselves on his passion, his dedication and his courage. A rebel hero on the tracks, that made Brazil the nation of F1 as much as it is th...
on 2024-10-07 19:25:18 by johnrafael - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Italiano F4 Central European - Vålerbanen 4 Dopo la tappa svedese dove i valori iniziano a delinearsi, il campionato si sposta di poco, arrivando in Norvegia vicino alla capitale Oslo. Qualifica: Conferma per i mattatori delle prime due gare: Gallardo in pole, affiancato dalla Stermitz. ...
on 2024-10-07 08:20:31 by tomcat75 - Likes: 2 | Rating: 1.39)
Suomi Suomen Mestaruussarja: Uusi Sukupolvi On Saapunut Montreal FE radan toisen kisan lopputulokset (Top 3) Kisan voitti Matiax Räikkönen Kakkoseksi ajoi: Rauno Ahvonen Kolmanneksi ajoi: Jami Naumanen Sarjatau... Räikkönen johtaa mestaruutta 41p erolla 2 sijalla on Rauno Ahvonen 3 sijal...
on 2024-10-05 08:05:54 by Sir_ErikSalama - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Italiano NASCAR CaMex - Chaudière 300 Secondo appuntamento nella landa francofona del Canada e terza gara. Speriamo che gli italiani mantengano le prestazioni iniziali. Qualifica: Pole per il solito Santaquilani, con al suo fianco una rediviva Marçal. Per Drago III la terza posizio...
on 2024-10-04 17:45:13 by tomcat75 - Likes: 2 | Rating: 1.38)
English Exclusive Interview With BobPG We had the privilege today to spend an hour with motorsport driver manager BobPG. Heres all the questions we asked... Q: How do you think Bobby Green's progress is going?A: Well i think we're doing pretty well, obviously we're still in the hunt for a...
on 2024-10-03 00:57:10 by BobPG - Likes: 4 | Rating: 3.13)
Español Resumen del 73º Campeonato de España de Fórmula 4 Álvaro Cobos ganó su cuarto CEF de forma dominante. El piloto extremeño sacó 150 puntos a la batalla por el segundo puesto, que se llevó Teo Valcárcel con 18 puntos de ventaja sobre Alberto Puig y 24 sobre Elisabet Alemany.Jan Bonmatí fue quinto, cer...
on 2024-10-02 13:30:21 by JordiMontané - Likes: 5 | Rating: 9.54)
Català Resum del 73è Campionat d'Espanya de Fórmula 4 Álvaro Cobos va guanyar el seu quart CEF de forma dominant. El pilot extremeny va treure 150 punts a la batalla pel segon lloc, que es va endur Teo Valcárcel amb 18 punts d'avantatge sobre Alberto Puig i 24 sobre Elisabet Alemany. Jan Bonmatí fou cin...
on 2024-10-02 13:27:04 by JordiMontané - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.91)
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