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Čeština Na které trati se týmu Jordan nejvíc daří? Náš tým úspěšně válí čtvrtou sezónu F1. Někdo tvrdí, že nám sedí spíš technické tratě, jiný rychlé, ale jak je to objektivně? Čtvrtá sezóna ještě neskončila, proto jsem spočítal veškeré získané body a vydělil je počtem závodů. 1) Španělsko 21,75 ...
on 2015-03-05 16:50:11 by KazikluBey - Likes: 5 | Rating: 8.84)
English Multi-accounts Multi-accounts MRC frowns on multi-account. it dislikes them very much. I was caught with multi-accounts , which I and my son were actually taken advantage of by friends and relatives. My cousin, my own blood and some of my and my sons friends d...
on 2015-03-05 16:27:45 by ArkAngel - Likes: 19 | Rating: 28.03)
Русский Ф1: внутрикомандное дерби пилотов. Не для кого, не секрет, что главный соперник - партнер по команде. Именно с ним у вас одинаковая техника, опередив именно его, вас уже никто не посмеет упрекнуть, что вы выиграли лишь благодаря преимуществу вашего болида. Поэтому цель номер один опер...
on 2015-03-05 06:00:54 by veryhardx - Likes: 15 | Rating: 24.85)
Français Filière RED BULL VAILLANTE F1 : des places à prendre à l'école ! La Filière RED BULL VAILLANTE F1 propose a nouveau de faire profiter de son expérience à quelques jeunes pilotes motivés .Pour cela faites passer votre candidature en indiquant dans quel championnat vous évoluez . Promocourse attend vos candidatur...
on 2015-03-04 20:39:42 by gasss - Likes: 7 | Rating: 10.67)
Română Fernando Alonso ratează Marele Premiu al Australiei Pilotul spaniol Fernando Alonso, accidentat la finele lunii februarie în timpul unei şedinţe de antrenamente, va rata din motive de precauţie Marele Premiu al Australiei la Formula 1. Aceasta este proba inaugurală a Campionatului Mondial 2015, pro...
on 2015-03-04 07:11:16 by DoRuF1 - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English Team Europe announce shock new driver Team Europe i receivded your problem so i m gonna be the new driver.I m kind,gentle,good,str... Please pick me as a new driver.
on 2015-03-03 14:52:35 by AldiDingaBeratasi - Likes: 1 | Rating: 0.18)
English Team Europe announce shock new driver. Team Europe who are losing both of their current drivers have shocked the F1 paddock by securing the services of none other than Alex Botta to fill their second seat. The Italian, who thus far has been racing for OMR, had decided to retire from F1...
on 2015-03-02 23:14:43 by thedonz - Likes: 14 | Rating: 22.44)
English Tony Randall to take early retirement It has been revealed today that Tony Randall is to take early retirement. The reason for this remains very secretive, but sources close to the driver have hinted that it may have something to do with an accident that he suffered during a recent post ...
on 2015-03-01 21:55:26 by mattseagull - Likes: 5 | Rating: 8.41)
Slovenčina Jazda za snom - Vojtech Lukáč (0. diel) Vojtech Lukáč. Meno, ktoré v motošporte nič neznamená. Práve preto som tu, aby sa moje meno stalo slávnym. Chcem, aby každý fanúšik rýchlych kolies vedel, kto je Vojtech Lukáč. Vojtech Lukáč, to je synonymum rýchlosti a úspechov; toto chcem, aby ľudi...
on 2015-03-01 13:35:33 by Simoniak - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.80)
Deutsch Wo ist Donald O´Brien hin? Die Frage erhärtet sich immer mehr, dass Donald O´Brien konvertiert ist zu einer anderen Religion! Es wird gemunkelt (und zwar im Dunkeln), dass Donald O´Brien vom buddhismus zum katholizismus konvertiert ist. Dies ist noch nicht richtig bestätigt ab...
on 2015-03-01 13:11:33 by ScRaTchY81 - Likes: 3 | Rating: 4.60)
Deutsch Müll musste aufräumen! Leider konnte der Aufstrebende Schweizer Rennfahrer Rainer Müll nicht an dem inoffiziellen Rennen für die Schweizer Meisterschaft teilnehmen. Hausputz war zu dieser Zeit angesagt und somit war die Reise zum Nürburgring nicht mehr im Rahmen des möglic...
on 2015-03-01 11:54:01 by ScRaTchY81 - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.40)
Română Hamilton, locul 1 în primele antrenamente de la Montmelo Pilotul britanic Lewis Hamilton, de la Mercedes, a reuşit cel mai rapid tur de circuit în sesiunea de joi dimineaţa a antrenamentelor de Formula 1 de pe circuitul catalan Montmelo, cu timpul de 1min24sec881/1000. ... Kimi Raikkonen, de la Ferrari, a...
on 2015-02-28 07:17:05 by DoRuF1 - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Română Fernando Alonso a scăpat controlul mașinii la viteza de 215 km/oră. Și-a asigurat fanii că se simte bine Pilotul McLaren Honda, Fernando Alonso, este aproape recuperat după accidentul suferit pe circuitul din Catalunya, într-o sesiune de antrenamente care s-a sfârșit neplăcut pentru iberic. Pentru a-i liniști pe fanii săi, sportivul în vârstă de 33 d...
on 2015-02-28 07:13:22 by DoRuF1 - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Српски Jos jedna Srpska staza u MRC Pooozdrav svima! :) U igri MRC je nova tj. jos jedna staza iz Srbije. To je Batajnica Air Base Circuit! Ovo je vec treca domaca stazu u MRC igri. Vise o detaljima staze mozete pogledatni na stranici liste, kao i detalje i informacije o ostali...
on 2015-02-28 00:38:55 by FERNANDOf1ALONSO - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English FIRST TIME FOR SEGEV IN QATAR The first time on qatar for segev not was the best but this is dosent ended yet and to another thing john white get 2 top 10 in qualifying that was two unbelievable qualifyings and now to another thing in the last time segev get a lot of rating and f...
on 2015-02-28 00:07:43 by FALONSO14 - Likes: 3 | Rating: 2.25)
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