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Español porque no aceptar a los argentinos quiero que me den una buena excusa de porque en ninguna liga del mundo aceptan a mi piloto Argentino es una tontería que no se lo acepte uno invierte plata en el piloto para que despues no te lo acepten.
on 2016-04-16 10:50:08 by NahuelGotte - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Nederlands hoe kan je liverys bestellen how can you order custom liverys thx
on 2016-04-16 09:55:37 by RoelBielen - Likes: 1 | Rating: 0.00)
English well set it up.. Talk is cheap action speaks louder then a thumping of the chest... I will race anybody, anytime and anywhere... There is no disgrace in losing you only lose honor when you have no courage to show up.
on 2016-04-16 09:14:37 by TerryWilson - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.63)
Slovenščina 1. Slovensko prvenstvo (10. dirka) Z dirko po ulicah Ljubljane se je zaključilo 1. slovensko državno prvenstvo. Kljub temu da so dirkači odpeljali kvalifikacije po mokri stezi pa do presenečenj ni prišlo. Prve 3 štartne položaje so še enkrat več zasedli Klun, Zakrajšek in Ožbolt. Z...
on 2016-04-16 06:43:42 by torbar4life - Likes: 4 | Rating: 6.41)
Deutsch Ich merke Es schon Nach nicht mal einer Woche habe ich es schon mal geschaft eine pole position in einen Rennen zu ergattern und dieses dann auch noch zugewinnen. P.s.:Ein gutes Gefühl ist das also fahrt soviele Rennen wie möglich. Viel Glück dabei....
on 2016-04-15 23:54:11 by JanScharf - Likes: 1 | Rating: 0.18)
English Renovation of the Spain Racing Team New logo, new livery, new classification system but same president. This season has not been good for SRT (Spain Racing Team), as being in Nations Cup in the 21st place, the worst result in the history of this team since season 12, as llamp did th...
on 2016-04-15 19:33:36 by nicorz - Likes: 3 | Rating: 4.87)
English McLaren Racing - Season 17 Review Could this be the season McLaren took it to Red Bull? After the spectacular end to season 16 would season 17 be able to produce the same sort of entertainment? Would season 17 be the maiden championship year for Rocco Rapido or would it be the...
on 2016-04-15 15:33:33 by MrLeg - Likes: 24 | Rating: 41.06)
Hrvatski S17 SR Prvenstvo Hrvatske konačno stanje nakon 10 utrke Čestitke Ševiću na osvojenom naslovu. Ove sezone je sudjelovalo 12 vozača, nadam se da će nas sljedeće sezone sudjelovati još više.
on 2016-04-15 14:36:56 by daniel00cro - Likes: 4 | Rating: 6.73)
Italiano Punteggi Italiani In A1Gp Ecco a voi la classifica di tutti i tempi dei piloti italiani impegnati in A1Gp 1° Paolo Grandi 4557 2° Guido Di Rado 3709 3° Andre... Taira 1020 6° Jack... Jr 989 7° Sergio Muzzio Jr 692 8° Luigi Be... Angelo Colombo 190 ... Florio ...
on 2016-04-15 13:52:32 by torak - Likes: 3 | Rating: 4.81)
Eesti F1: Audi vaatab tagasi ja tulevikku MRC F1 on raske koht kus võistelda, võistkonnad on rasked, sõitjad on rasked, auto ehitamine on raske, raske raske raske, mõni kord raskes olustikus tuleb tuua ohvreid. Audi Motorsportile oli 17 hooaeg ohverdus. Autot ei arendatud, sõitjad pi...
on 2016-04-15 12:24:20 by xenzx - Likes: 1 | Rating: 0.95)
Deutsch Claire Grube - Saisonrückblick Wie am Saisonanfang angekündigt wollen wir heute auf die Saison der deutschen Fahrerin Claire Grube zurück blicken. Claire, von ihrem Manager auch scherzhaft "die rasende Hexe" genannt, begann die Saison mit einem Wechsel von der Slowaki...
on 2016-04-15 09:25:17 by Fixboy - Likes: 5 | Rating: 6.08)
Italiano Dietro la Visiera - L.A. Colombo al Ritiro - Numero #2-2016 Dietro la Visiera Numero #2-2016 Buongiorno amati lettori, oggi ci troviamo qui per un grande SCOOP, il RITIRO dalle corse di Luca Angelo Colombo, giovane e veloce pilota della Krova Racing. Qui con noi abbiamo il pilota e il manager 1)...
on 2016-04-15 09:20:46 by KrovatarGERO - Likes: 5 | Rating: 8.49)
Français Nouvelle écurie: Skoda Racing Team Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Une toute nouvelle écurie de F3 arrive pour la saison 18: la Skoda Racing Team. Pour diriger cette nouvelle venue le manager Blondin1506 nous explique ses choix: Blondin1506: Jusqu'ici nous utilisions un moteur de...
on 2016-04-15 09:18:31 by LePrez - Likes: 10 | Rating: 17.28)
Suomi Murphy awakens Debyyttikausi on takana, pihaleikit leikitty ja nyt 19v Murphyn todellinen kausi alkaa, Murphy ajaa ensi kaudella F3 South-America sarjaa. Viime kausi Balticissa oli epäonninnen, mutta 2 viimeisestä kisasta tuli 3 sijat ja sarjataulukossa Murphy nou...
on 2016-04-15 09:17:10 by Formulast4ra - Likes: 7 | Rating: 8.03)
Español Renovación de la Asociación Española Nacional de Automovilismo Nuevo logo, nueva livery, nuevo sistema de clasificación pero mismo presidente. Esta temporada no ha sido buena para AENA (Asociación Española Nacional de Automovilismo), pues en Copa de Naciones han sido 21º, peor resultado de la historia de esta...
on 2016-04-14 19:04:02 by nicorz - Likes: 6 | Rating: 8.45)
1 ... 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 ... 838