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My Racing Career Blog

Formula 1 Future Introduction F1 has a long history at My Racing Career and the current system seems to be at the end of its road. Team managers found a way to optimize team management and the result is that there are too many teams with very competitive cars. Top teams are unlikely to make mistakes and lose their positions at the top of the rankings.
by DebiK
New Formula 1 Engines Details It was already announced that the new F1 engines in our game will be different than those before. We will copy current real world F1 rules. Every team which wants to use own not suppliers engine will have to develop 5 new parts. So here are some details what can you expect.
by nicorz
Manager Substitute for Holidays After some more complaints during the summer, I just launched the long-awaited possibility to let another manager manage my own driver - A temporary substitution.
by DebiK
Trophy of the Champions Upgrade After a few seasons without any change in the Trophy of the Champions, we finally decided to make some changes to improve the series with the best drivers of the previous season.
by DebiK
Formula 4 Coming to My Racing Career We finally decided to add Formula 4 cars and series to the game. At the time when our game was started, Formula 3 was suitable to serve as a starting point for the career but since then real-world formula racing has changed. Almost all national-level formula series moved from F3 to F4 and also some smaller regional series.
by DebiK
New Driver Skills Some of our long time managers already accompanied few drivers during their careers and finding motivation to start another driver becomes harder and harder. Some of them already left the game and that is not a big surprise. But can I do something to keep them in the game longer? Maybe! But surely that must be something different than what they already experienced in the game.
by DebiK
Changes in F1 Primary Facilities Each Formula 1 team at My Racing Career has 11 facilities of which 3 are considered to be primary. They have key effects during a certain time and it might be worth using them on a high level and then downgrading them to save money. But there are restrictions to avoid this strategy.
by DebiK
Motorcycles Series Future Motorcycles competition in our game is currently not very interesting for some people. There is not big hunger for chasing glory with motorbikes because currently everybody`s dream is to race in Formula 1. We will try to change this and make the motorcycle racing career path as interesting as we have with car racing.
by DebiK
Nations Cup Changes (season 37) There are some changes to MyRacingCareer Nations Cup coming next season. As you already know we had a competition for new chassis and you voted for the best one. And next season they will be used but that is not all.
by DebiK
New Formula 1 Engines Idea Hello everybody, I would like to introduce the idea of Formula 1 team management on MyRacingCareer.com. It has been criticised recently and I decided to invest some time in designing a new system. So here is work in progress version of my ideas. I will think of these changes and will listen to opinions on them to improve this idea.
by DebiK
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