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Português, Brasil Um jovem piloto prodigio estreia na formula 3 Um piloto excêntrico com uma abilidade fenominal dizem q o talento do jovem foi descoberto ao acaso quando ganhou um concurso da equipe Ferrari para dar umas voltas no simulador da equipe logo perceberam que seus tempos de volta eram fenominais volt...
on 2013-06-14 22:37:03 by MarcosAndre990 - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Suomi Indy-sarja, Iowa, 14.6.2013 Kauden 9. Indy-sarjan kisa ajettiin Iowan ovaaliradalla aurinkoisessa säässä. Luvassa oli pitkä 250 kierroksen kisa, jossa varmasti sattuu ja tapahtuu. Periksi... kuskimme Tommi Häkkinen hieman epäonnistui aika-ajoissa ollen 11. Yhden pysähdyksen ...
on 2013-06-14 20:55:09 by Dable - Likes: 4 | Rating: 3.33)
Magyar Egy nehéz döntés Üdvözlöm minden menedzsertársam. Eljött az ideje az újabb sajtóközleményem kiadásához, mivel a szezon feléhez értünk. Amely szezonról eddig sok jó nem mondható el. Igaz, hogy az egyedi Oval-szériában magunkra találtunk, de nem ez lenne az elsődleges....
on 2013-06-13 07:27:13 by Randy22 - Likes: 5 | Rating: 5.74)
English Challenging series for newcomers Indy has never had the fame for being easy, but it's one thing to talk and another to participate. Our favorite driver is no exception for this challenge. So far, his worst place in an official series was the 2nd place and he has been in some major...
on 2013-06-13 00:00:12 by blazefp - Likes: 9 | Rating: 9.44)
Čeština F3 Asia Series - 4.a 5.víkend Připravili jsme pro vás další ohlédnutí za posledními dvěma víkendy asijské série F3 ve které startují i dva češi Jakub Bejr a Michal Dostál. Po třech víkendech vedl průběžné pořadí Eduardo Diesel se 107 body.Za ním byl se strátou 7 bodů Peppo de ...
on 2013-06-12 18:44:02 by JB1997 - Likes: 3 | Rating: 4.75)
English The new drivers Hello, this is my first ever review and i'd like to talk about how noobs sometimes are never talked about or anything even if there good and i'd like to come to notice that a lot of people have more then acount.
on 2013-06-12 18:17:54 by starfish - Likes: 1 | Rating: 0.00)
Magyar Talán még egy szezon ebben a szériában? Fodor András a(z) F3 Romanian Series versenyzője elmondta, hogy hiába éri el a célját ebben a sorozatban még egy évet maradna, hogy pályarekordokat döntsön. Jelenleg kicsivel féltáv után toronymagasan vezeti a bajnokságot. Ő a legvalószínűbb befut...
on 2013-06-12 16:17:09 by andriska14 - Likes: 4 | Rating: 5.29)
Deutsch Ab jetzt wird es schwer! Die Pole-Position am Norisring war leider nur ein kleiner Streif am Horizont für Timo Zachariae. Das Rennen selbst konnte er nur auf dem enttäuschenden siebten Platz abschließen. Das unterstreicht einmal mehr, das man im Rennen noch eine ordentlche S...
on 2013-06-12 14:22:52 by USSFSteeler - Likes: 3 | Rating: 4.23)
Español Un colombiano debutando en el automovilismo Con el patrocinio de Grapefruit, el manager Wonkario ha contratado al piloto colombiano Cristian Moreno para que corra en el monoplaza F3LOL. El piloto debutará en tierras francesas en el circuito de Mas du Clos. Esta mañana terminó sus entrenamient...
on 2013-06-12 00:45:07 by Wonkario - Likes: 4 | Rating: 1.77)
Italiano IL TRICOLORE DOMINA OVUNQUE Giunti al giro di boa della IV Stagione, possiamo già fare un primo bilancio dei nostri piloti impegnati nelle varie categorie e campionati. Ed è sicuramente un bilancio largamente positivo, con i piloti italiani che sono protagonisti praticamente ov...
on 2013-06-11 21:00:06 by paolo1970 - Likes: 6 | Rating: 7.22)
Italiano Chi è Edoardo Gasparin Edoardo Gasparin è il pilota di proprietà del Manger Capi96. Il ragazzo, all' inizio della sua carriera nel mondo delle corse, ha trovato difficoltà nel saper gestire la macchina fornita al team. La prima auto che gli aveva costruito il Team era una ...
on 2013-06-11 13:45:20 by Capi96 - Likes: 1 | Rating: 0.18)
Italiano F.INDY JUNIOR - USA - Magnussen si ritira. Vince PSG Jr., Zanardi buon 5°. Al giro di boa del campionato Magnusse incappa nel primo passaggio a vuoto della stagione e, costretto al ritiro per un errore quando viaggiava in 5a posizione, lascia campo libero al francese PSG Jr. che centra la sua seconda vittoria stagionale dop...
on 2013-06-10 20:23:51 by paolo1970 - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.65)
Deutsch Ein schwarzes Wochenende Das war mal nix, so der Teammanager von Fahrer Carlos. Das ganze Wochenende war von technischen Problemen und Fahrfehlern bestimmt. Nachdem man in der IndyJunior im guten Mittelfeld lag, kam am Ende nicht mehr als ein "DNF" heraus. Zu schw...
on 2013-06-10 09:10:18 by Carlos - Likes: 4 | Rating: 4.54)
English Vanderpuije ready for challenge to come It's been an interesting season so far in the Formula 2 Africa Series and we've just reached the half way point. There have been five different winners in ten rounds so far and it's been a rollercoaster of trouble for everyone; thus, it's led to a ve...
on 2013-06-10 08:02:22 by daftkrft - Likes: 4 | Rating: 5.82)
Français Un autre qUébecois Lâche pas l'ami !!!!!
on 2013-06-09 00:55:34 by Bluedemme - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
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