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Slovenščina Za bolj aktiven forum? Meni so bila zelo všeč sporočila za javnost, ki jih je pisal jaytherainman. Mislim da je bil njihov naslov kako plujejo slovenske ladnje ali nekaj podobnega. Sam namreč z velikim zanimanjem spremljam kako gre ostalim slovenskim dirkačem. Pri njih je ...
on 2022-06-27 12:58:02 by TheBrick - Likes: 7 | Rating: 13.28)
Slovenščina Sporočila za javnost Vse slovenske managerje bi rad opozoril, na nagrado za najboljše sporočilo za javnost, ki jo My Racing Career podeljuje vsakih 14 dni. Zmagovalec z najboljšim sporočilom za javnost prejme 50 kovancev. Nagrada se podeli samo v primeru, da sta objav...
on 2022-06-27 12:36:40 by torbar4life - Likes: 6 | Rating: 11.36)
Español Resumen del 11º Iberoamericano de Turismos La temporada pasada se disputó la undécima edición del Iberoamericano de Turismos, nuevamente con pilotos españoles, portugueses y argentinos. Nadia Portocarrero ganó su quinto título pero con solo seis puntos de ventaja sobre Maurício Cruz. Felip...
on 2022-06-25 19:54:50 by JordiMontané - Likes: 6 | Rating: 11.48)
Català Resum de l'11è Iberoamericà de Turismes La temporada passada es va disputar la onzena edició de l'Iberoamericà de Turismes, novament amb pilots espanyols, portuguesos i argentins. Nadia Portocarrero va guanyar el seu cinquè títol però només amb sis punts d'avantatge sobre Maurício Cruz. ...
on 2022-06-25 19:48:07 by JordiMontané - Likes: 6 | Rating: 11.48)
Português, Brasil MUDANDO DE ARES - V. Barrichello Olá! Verdinho Barrichello, em conjunto com seu staff, optou por trocar de categoria. Deixou a 911S para ingressar na World GT. E essa mudança fez muito bem (obrigado!) ao piloto brasileiro. Na World GT Series, vem fazendo uma temporada como nunc...
on 2022-06-25 01:03:14 by And75Verdin - Likes: 6 | Rating: 11.10)
English Legend In The Making Marks the first day of a long road yet to be paved for the F4 rookie from the Mid-West United States, Michigan Native William "Wildbill" Madden. As a 2-Time US Go Cart Series Champion (2012 & 2015) William showed the F4 fans that he kno...
on 2022-06-24 04:52:12 by BillMadden - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.84)
English How F1 teams compare to Ferrari Here is how Formula 1 teams compare to the Ferrari if you take away development focus. In this comparison I didn’t include the slowest four teams as it’s hard to predict what development focus they chose. All eleven teams that have already managed...
on 2022-06-20 11:59:20 by torbar4life - Likes: 19 | Rating: 35.41)
English Greatest Story Ever Told: Williams F1 It´s a story like no other. An unfolding story of twist and turns it could have been the product of Hollywood. A script that brought together flesh and metal and motion and power. The greatest car chase ever. It dealt in fantasy in impossible happeni...
on 2022-06-20 11:05:20 by Sir_ErikSalama - Likes: 15 | Rating: 28.71)
English PNWR club rebranded This last two weeks the PNWR club has rebranding in an effort to have more chances to gain club members. Main colors have been changed to blue and green while being sponsored by NASCAR and other sponsors. This club is looking to be competitive and ca...
on 2022-06-19 00:10:29 by kman7 - Likes: 6 | Rating: 10.34)
Português, Brasil Dicas para os mais novos Lotus (4) Vamos continuar com as dicas. Hoje falaremos das Categorias Personalizadas. C... no MENU depois em Categorias, de cara aparecem as Categorias da Temporada, mas nas abas de cima tem as demais categorias. A que vamos falar hoje é da Aba de Cat...
on 2022-06-15 06:38:16 by pmarcio - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.70)
Català Primer campionat Iberoamericà de motociclisme. El mes de maig es va celebrar el primer campionat Iberoamericà de motociclisme. Es va convidar tots els pilots de qualsevol disciplina d'Chile, Colombia, España, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, Uruguay i Venezuela. La participació va ser...
on 2022-06-15 00:53:08 by radekdeboktor - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.70)
Español I campeonato Iberoamericano de motociclismo El pasado mes de Mayo se celebró el primer campeonato Iberoamericano de motociclismo. Se invitó a todos los pilotos de cualquier disciplina de Argentina, Chile, Colombia, España, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, Uruguay y Venezuela. La p...
on 2022-06-15 00:26:42 by radekdeboktor - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.70)
Slovenščina Pokal narodov: Slovenija ponovno obranila naslov Ekipa Slovenije nadaljuje s fenomenalnimi rezultati v Pokalu narodov in tako smo Slovenci že tretjič zapored končali sezono na samem vrhu. Tudi tokrat ni bilo nobenega dvoma kdo bo na koncu postal prvak, saj je po zadnji dirki znašala naša prednos...
on 2022-06-12 13:23:54 by toxic - Likes: 7 | Rating: 13.27)
Deutsch LCR Interessiert an Stumpf, nächste Saison Moto1? Die Letzte Saison verlief nicht nach Stumpfs Erwartungen und auch diese Saison läuft bislang nur Mäßig. Da kommen doch wohl gute Nachrichten gelegen oder? Teamchef Lucio Cecchinello, von dem Moto1 Team LCR, verlor über Stumpf nur Positive sachen u...
on 2022-06-12 01:18:36 by Joshua52 - Likes: 6 | Rating: 11.32)
English Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points A few seasons ago we have decided to start rewarding our supporters that help us with their activity/voting point donations, and we will continue to reward our supporters in season 47 too. In one season,...
on 2022-06-09 18:58:07 by torbar4life - Likes: 10 | Rating: 19.06)
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