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English "The Lip" Sweeps in Czech Republic Rookie Louie "The Lip" Gagliano had a good reason to be grinning from ear to ear after his sweep at the Masaryk track in the Czech Republic. After an error filled first qualifying run which still had him in 5th place the american decide...
on 2015-08-16 17:00:20 by LouisGagliano - Likes: 3 | Rating: 4.59)
Hrvatski PERO ŠEVIĆ: PRVAK EUROPE FORMULA 3 SERIJE? Vrlo dinamično ovogodišnje prvenstvo bliži se svome kraju. Trenutno vodeći Pero Šević prednost je izgradio sjajnim ulaskom u sezonu zaredavši nekoliko pobjeda u nizu i konzistentnim vožnjama, završavajući utrke na podijima. Kriza se dogodila u Austri...
on 2015-08-16 10:15:54 by BladeRunner - Likes: 6 | Rating: 6.79)
English First Win In Daytona! Cheers jubilation in the 35 garage in Daytona International Speedway! Young driver Staci Evans gets her first win!!!! It was an impressive team display for the young Rage driver as her crew dialed in her car, and she drove like she had never dr...
on 2015-08-16 08:17:47 by LoyalW - Likes: 4 | Rating: 6.16)
English Rookie Looks To S15 It's been a tough couple of weeks for high-rising British rookie Jay Wellington, who has seen himself spiral down the Rookie Series standings faster than his F3 chassis can carry him, dropping from a lofty 16th at the mid-way point to the "also-...
on 2015-08-15 22:04:45 by Adamski - Likes: 8 | Rating: 13.12)
English Stronger Rage! Hot on the heels of a week of good results for the Rage Motorsports Team a press conference was called outside the teams row of 8 garages at the Djursland track where the majority of the team have been competing in the @home with Rage custom series t...
on 2015-08-15 11:45:35 by thedonz - Likes: 16 | Rating: 26.05)
Nederlands Nieuwe coureur nu al vakantie Na nog geen week racen gaat Dion nu al weer op vakantie. De manager had gezegd dat hij op vakantie ging en dat Dion zelf ook op vakantie mocht. Dion boekte meteen een vakantie en pakte meteen zij koffer. Hopelijk gaat Dion na twee weken rust het volg...
on 2015-08-15 09:53:19 by Dionsta02 - Likes: 3 | Rating: 2.67)
English Another Podium It has been a while, but young driver Staci Evans has found her way back onto a podium. The young Rage driver ran a solid race placing third in Chile at Juvenal Jeraldo. She started in 3rd position and bounced a spot up and down finding herself ...
on 2015-08-15 07:04:57 by LoyalW - Likes: 4 | Rating: 6.88)
Português Negociações com Rato Boas!Este comunicado dedica-se às negociações entre o português Rafael Rato e a HamrHedz.Correm os rumores de que uma oferta poderá surgir muito em breve. Rafael Rato: Confirmo que estamos muito perto de chegar a um acordo,estou muito confian...
on 2015-08-15 00:23:09 by Rafarato - Likes: 4 | Rating: 3.83)
Español Repasemos los resultados de la copa de naciones Hoy se han celebrado las carreras de la copa de naciones y quizá los resultados más destacables son la victoria de E.MoralesGarcia y la gran carrera de M.Alfonso, llegando a estar primero pero por desgracia al final de la carrera lo arriesgó a ir con...
on 2015-08-14 23:37:52 by llamp - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Español Neil Watts decepcionado con el Asian Trophy Mañana acaba la serie Asian Trophy y el joven Watts nos ha explicado en una entrevista que está descontento y que tenía mejores expectativas respecto a la serie. Eso, junto con su modesta 10ª plaza actual en las mediterranean series dejan a Neil con ...
on 2015-08-14 22:06:18 by llamp - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.30)
Italiano MONZA: Un circuito mitico Partecipare alla Nations Cup per il proprio paese è un privilegio a disposizione di pochi, e farlo, in più, pilotando a Monza, in Italia, uno dei circuiti leggendari nel mondo del motorsport è, quanto meno, una esperienza indimenticabile. ... sett...
on 2015-08-14 16:01:47 by felson - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.23)
Español MONZA: Un circuito mítico Participar en la Nations Cup representando a tu país es un privilegio al alcance de muy pocos y hacerlo, además, corriendo en Monza, en Italia, en uno de los circuitos míticos del mundo del automovilismo es, cuanto menos, una experiencia inolvidable....
on 2015-08-14 01:39:49 by felson - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.19)
Magyar Magyar siker Brno-ban! Kapcsoljuk helyszíni riporterünket, aki ha minden igaz, magát a pole pozíciót és az első futam győztesét kapta mikrofonvégre. Rip... Így van, jó estét kívánok, itt áll mellettem Őzse István, az Újonc sorozat brnoi első futamának 1. helyezettje, aki ...
on 2015-08-13 22:53:35 by korgpa3le - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.04)
Slovenčina A1 GP týždeň 6.,7.,8. made by olilongi777 Pozdravujeme, máme tu zhrnutie 6., 7. a 8. týždňa. 6. týždeň Q R.Babic - 15 P.Rychly - 5 V.Macanga - 13 D.Dan - 5 U21 M.Chovancova - 24 A.Sklenarikova - 3 R1 R.Babic - po veľkej chybe spadol na 16.miesto P.Rychly - vyčkával a vypla...
on 2015-08-13 19:23:19 by deka96 - Likes: 3 | Rating: 4.97)
Română Logano a câștigat cursa de la Watkins Glen, deși a condus doar 400 de metri din 355 km Joey Logano a câștuigat etapa de duminică din Nascar într-o manieră unică, aflându-se la conducerea cursei doar un singur viraj - dar și cel care a contat: ultimul. Este prima victorie pentru Logano pe un circuit virajat, Watkins Glen fiind al doilea...
on 2015-08-12 06:27:21 by DoRuF1 - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
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