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Português 1º dia de sonho O jovem piloto João Bão Pereira, teve um dia de sonho, na estreia no mundo automóvel. Aos 18 anos, conseguiu 12 vitórias e 15 poles em 15 corridas em que participou. Simplesmente fantástico. Em entrevista ao Jornal Casal Sancho Sport, o jovem disse:...
on 2015-10-25 08:06:08 by baojoao - Likes: 2 | Rating: 2.68)
English A first Harry RM Pitts gets his first win, now looking to build on that, so far Harry has had a lot of bad luck but this could be the turning point.
on 2015-10-25 02:53:23 by Ragamuffin - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.35)
Čeština The Best Czech Juniors Magazine #5 Blažena Nemámrádaidioty Vítám vás u 5 čísla magazínu The Best Czech Juniors Magazine. Na začátek bych se chtěl omluvit, že tak dlouho už číslo nevyšlo, ale byl jsem v Anglii a chtěl jsem si to tam užít. Pro dnešní číslo jsem si připravil rozhovor s Blaženou Nemámrádaidiot...
on 2015-10-24 14:53:46 by tom8802 - Likes: 8 | Rating: 11.59)
Italiano Coppa delle Nazioni-Gara1 dopo una buona qualifica la squadra italiana è scesa in pista molto determinata. Lottando giro dopo giro i piloti hanno cercato di guadagnare e non perdere posizioni e alla fine sono riusciti a recuperare 27 punti sulla Russia,al comando della class...
on 2015-10-23 21:02:13 by CarmineLuce - Likes: 4 | Rating: 4.94)
Français Alexandre De Montferrand, Champion du Monde F2 ! Notre habituel correspondant, bien connu des paddocks de MRC, Lionel Froussard était présent à Baku F1 pour assister au sacre d'Alexandre De Montferrand. L.F, face à un Alexandre rayonnant : C'est fait, Alexandre, tu nous a fait trembler jusqu'au ...
on 2015-10-23 20:13:06 by Promocourse - Likes: 12 | Rating: 20.75)
Čeština Kompletní srovnání techniky MRC 2) Soukromá auta a motorky Dnes se podíváme na soukromá auta a motorky. Pár lidí se mě ptalo jakou techniku si vybrat a tak si ulehčím práci. Aktuálně je k dispozici 29 aut/motorek, které mají navíc většinou výběr ze dvou motorů, ale na motory kašlu. Předpokládám, že si každý ...
on 2015-10-23 14:10:47 by KazikluBey - Likes: 9 | Rating: 12.69)
Deutsch Claire Grube - ein Märchen beginnt GPE: Claire, auf ein Wort bitte. CG: Ja, aber machen sie es kurz, ich muss zu meinem Manager. GPE: Na, so wie wir ihn kennen wird er nicht die beste Laune haben, oder? CG: Nun ja, warum sollte er? Im offiziellen Rennen, in Führung liegend in der l...
on 2015-10-23 11:20:03 by Fixboy - Likes: 7 | Rating: 11.90)
Nederlands Levi zet tegenstanders private races op scherp Na wekenlange tegenvallende resultaten in de Private Sport A en Private Sport B races heeft Levi aangekondigd er genoeg van te hebben. Na al briesend uit zijn auto te stappen na de laatste race foeterde hij: "And now the gloves come off! I'm don...
on 2015-10-23 08:22:02 by Rossdale - Likes: 5 | Rating: 6.76)
Italiano Coppa delle Nazioni Dopo le qualifiche del turno del 21/10/2015 la nazionale italiana vede una posizione favorevole in griglia di partenza per gara1 rispetto alla nazionale russa,che comanda la classifica per nazioni. i piloti si sono qualificati nelle posizioni seguen...
on 2015-10-22 21:46:45 by CarmineLuce - Likes: 4 | Rating: 5.92)
English Number 1 Malaysian Driver beaten by a young Malaysian rookie The number 1 Malaysian Driver, Hafizuddin Rashid, was lost to a new young rookie driver, Arif Firman, in a Quick Race on Autodromo Luanda. In the Qualifications, it was obvious that Arif Firman drove recklessly on his first attempt and had 4 obvious ...
on 2015-10-22 11:23:07 by ArifFirman - Likes: 3 | Rating: 3.31)
Português Philip Torres entre os pilotos mais promissores a nível mundial Na última edição do "MRC News" foi divulgada uma lista dos jovens pilotos mais promissores a nível mundial e Philip Torres é a surpresa. Apesar ainda das suas poucas semanas como profissional, o luso-americano já é visto como um dos grandes...
on 2015-10-22 02:40:44 by FilipeTorres - Likes: 4 | Rating: 5.13)
Português Rafael Rato anuncia fim de carreira O português Rafael Rato que participa na Fórmula 1 pela HamrHedZ Carriage WerkZ,anunciou nas últimas horas,na pista de treinos do Estoril,que se iria retirar do mundo do automobilismo. Conseguimos uma entrevista completamente exclusiva,com o pi...
on 2015-10-22 00:08:45 by Rafarato - Likes: 8 | Rating: 9.40)
English Cobb Banned from Saint Pie Oval Tex Cobb was banned today after a post race stunt he pulled.. After finishing ahead of the Number 1 driver in world.. Tex Cobb takes a Victory lap.. He did not win the race but finished 4th.. If that was not bad enough.. The entire lap he smoked his...
on 2015-10-21 23:58:58 by TerryWilson - Likes: 9 | Rating: 15.87)
Magyar BOMBA! Racing - 15. szezon 3.-4. hét Kéthetente jelentkező sorozatunkban összefoglaljuk csapatunk pilótáinak eredményeit. Ha kíváncsi vagy versenyzőink közül ki, hol és hogyan szerepelt, akkor a legjobb helyen jársz itt. Sok minden történt velünk az elmúlt tizennégy napban, lássuk hát. ...
on 2015-10-21 16:28:05 by Randy22 - Likes: 4 | Rating: 6.41)
Indonesia Go to Australian series Saya selaku manager dari Rifki ahmad.Telah mendaftarkan pembalap saya di formula 3 Australian series.semoga dengan ini ,pembalap saya bisa mengharumkan nama indonesia di mata dunia,,dan rencananya mungkin pembalap saya bisa masuk F1,,yang penting ber...
on 2015-10-21 13:38:21 by hoirudin - Likes: 4 | Rating: 5.50)
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