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English TRABANT FOREVER! Hello guys!I´m here to talk a team that is improving in the last seasons!Ready? Trabant is finishing their kers project tomorrow to improve the team to try to reach the points and pass some teams in the championshio.This development must boost...
on 2015-12-06 22:58:38 by Rafarato - Likes: 4 | Rating: 6.50)
Hrvatski Hrvati nakon 3. tjedna 16 sezone Nakon 3. tjedna hrvatskog prvenstva odlični nastupi Naujokasa i Trputeca, Naujokas je ostao vodeći u ukupnom poretku,a Trputec se probio na drugo mjesto. Buza ml. i Katalenic polako ulaze u formu, a Forti još traži svoju formu. Svi hrvati su ovaj ...
on 2015-12-06 18:43:15 by daniel00cro - Likes: 4 | Rating: 4.48)
Čeština ►World Motorsport Magazine◄ #7 Hugo Baník (KazikluBey) Zdravím, vítám vás po dlouhé době u dalšího čísla magazínu WMM. Jako první bych se chtěl omluvit, že dlouho nic nebylo. Co na to říct? Nebyl prosté čas, ale teď bych to chtěl zase dát zpátky do aktivity. Pro dnešní číslo jsem vybral Hugo Baníka a j...
on 2015-12-06 17:56:02 by Luclys - Likes: 14 | Rating: 22.05)
Español INICIO DEL PILOTO ESPAÑOL ENRIQUE FERNÁNDEZ EN LA COPPA ITALIA XII El piloto granadino Enrique Fernández comenzará su debut en las series La Coppa Italia XII, que correrá sin expectativas, por lo que deberá dejar los nervios atrás y centrarse solo en conseguir una buena temporada. Tras conseguir un 19º en Sitges-Te...
on 2015-12-06 12:15:40 by EnriqueFernández - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Magyar Személycserék után újabb brno-i siker! Úgy tűnik, csapatunk versenyzői tradícionálisan jól szerepelnek a cseh pályán, ezúttal Bayer Tímeának jött össze a győzelem. Első női volánbűvészünk a családja anyagi és erkölcsi támogatását elveszítő Krasznai Jánost váltotta F-3-as autónkban, méghoz...
on 2015-12-05 19:24:55 by korgpa3le - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.26)
English Riiiight... So after reducing startline aggro to a non-existent level to ensure a trouble free start, NOVA driver Jay Wellington made it just a matter of meters off the line before ramming Australian Jamie Warner... In a straight line... And securing himself ano...
on 2015-12-04 20:54:43 by Adamski - Likes: 10 | Rating: 14.51)
Español EL PILOTO ESPAÑOL HECTOR ALLENDE LLEVA TRES ABANDONOS EN LA SERIE AUSTRALIANA El piloto español Hector Allende lleva tres abandonos en la serie australiana . La mala suerte se apodera de este joven piloto de 18 años Esperemos que se recupere de esta mala racha ya que es un piloto con un gran potencial.
on 2015-12-04 18:42:36 by hector121 - Likes: 1 | Rating: 0.95)
Suomi Nummelle uran paras sijoitus Markus Nurmi ajoi perjantaina F3 Baltic Seriesin viidennessä kilpailussa hienosti neljänneksi lähdettyään ruudusta kymmenen. Hyvää tulosta kuitenkin auttoi parin sarjan kärkinimiin kuuluvan kuskin keskeytys. Nummi jäi kolmannesta sijasta vain 0,8 sek...
on 2015-12-04 16:41:24 by Markkamake - Likes: 4 | Rating: 6.75)
Italiano Una stagione difficile Il cammino in Formula1 della OMR è in salita, il team è coeso e lavora al massimo delle sue possibilità per dare una vettura competitiva ai suoi piloti, ma è chiaro il periodo di transizione che coinciderà con l'avvento di due nuovi alfieri a guidare...
on 2015-12-04 08:49:58 by Hakudoshi - Likes: 5 | Rating: 7.61)
English International Single Race Cup (ISRC) - Start List Start list for season 16: 6 Lucas Cayanan - Australia 11 Murdoch F. Bennett - Great Britain 3 Richard Nebeský jr. - Czech 27 Tomasz Przeczek jr. - Czech 5 Andreas Dovalinský - Slovakia 77 Robert Spinette - Belgium 80 Liam Leholk - Denmark 2...
on 2015-12-03 18:50:12 by olilongi777 - Likes: 14 | Rating: 22.66)
English International Single Race Cup (ISRC) - Start List Start list for season 16: 6 Lucas Cayanan - Australia 11 Murdoch F. Bennett - Great Britain 3 Richard Nebeský jr. - Czech 27 Tomasz Przeczek jr. - Czech 5 Andreas Dovalinský - Slovakia 77 Robert Spinette - Belgium 80 Liam Leholk - Denmark ...
on 2015-12-03 18:48:42 by olilongi777 - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.17)
Italiano Il ritiro è ufficiale Conferenza stampa in casa OMR dove davanti allo stupore di tutti i giornalisti, il pilota Andre Acarini ha dichiarato che a fine stagione si ritirerà. Il pilota italiano, bi-campione mondiale in Formula1 con la scuderia di casa, ha anche dichiarato d...
on 2015-12-03 16:47:30 by Hakudoshi - Likes: 9 | Rating: 13.71)
English 7 fans said: "J. McCastle is an idiot!" On the final lap, J. McCastle hits L. Forti and hits the wall. McCastle finished 24th. A fan said "J. McCastle is an idiot! And a jerk!" The officials fined J. McCastle $300,000 for wrecking L. Forti. This is the worse final lap wreckage th...
on 2015-12-02 23:45:41 by JedMcCastle - Likes: 6 | Rating: 9.41)
English new kid in town... alex latafi the newest dude around who just came today 2 december 2015 just brought abought a new era. he hopes to create a team in f1 world series but in the meantime his doing custom series. he hasnt shown his talent yet but one day im sure he will shine
on 2015-12-02 22:27:35 by latafity - Likes: 2 | Rating: 2.50)
Português, Brasil Dicas para a Criação de Novos Pilotos, por Juca Macieira Pra quem não acompanha o Forum ou a página da Associação, nosso presidente Juca Macieira, número 1 do ranking nacional, publicou dias atrás um valioso amontoado de dicas que podem ajudá-los na hora de criar seus pilotos, que reproduzo aqui. Porém,...
on 2015-12-02 11:21:55 by jeansapia - Likes: 5 | Rating: 3.70)
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