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Italiano Da Alessio a Marco Ed eccoci qui cari lettori con una breve intervista ad Alessio Pasquali ex-pilota professionista e ora solo manager. Ti mancano le corse? Intanto saluto tutti i lettori. Tornando alla tua domanda, le corse mi mancano un pò ma anche fare il manager...
on 2016-01-19 12:34:41 by AlessioPasquali - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.20)
Српски Поводом избора Како су у току избори за новог председника националне асијацијац... ја немам амбиција и времена за ангажовање које захтева ова позиција, али имам пар предлога за све учеснике и новог председник... Организовати анкету за избор српског имена националне...
on 2016-01-18 20:31:15 by GoranPešić - Likes: 4 | Rating: 4.61)
Svenska Yeeesssss!!! Första segern och en andra placering tog oss rakt upp i 100 listan ;-), nu kör vi så det ryker!!. Och stort tack till darkwater som gav unge herr Dharma Chopper chansen i landslaget, träning ger färdighet ;-)
on 2016-01-18 19:57:53 by IndianBlue - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.86)
English The Return Of John Stone The return of Owner Johnstone to US racing lists has gone way under the radar. The owner has pushed two drivers to the front and now returns after a long hiatus back to MRC's racing courses. "Its been a while since I put a car on any track but...
on 2016-01-18 18:35:56 by johnstone1371 - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.08)
Čeština Monza druhý závod Jen malé upřesnění toho co se stalo. Na fóru stále čtu jak se řeší stav pneumatik a tak jsem to ještě dvakrát kontroloval. Je fakt, že je taky jak někteří, drtím až na plátno, ale když malinko posunu risk tak je tam zas moře velkých chyb, při kterých...
on 2016-01-18 17:22:35 by trizmik - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.36)
English F3 National Series - Race to the Finish What is hot, what not - which series are expecting a breathtaking fight for championship and which are already decided before the last round of the season. To the start of week 10 our statistical analyst wants to give you an overview of the sta...
on 2016-01-18 10:39:59 by RngRouletteF1 - Likes: 15 | Rating: 23.41)
Slovenščina Sezonske serije S16, T09 Ožbolt ostaja v vodstvu, Zajšek prvič na stopničkah. F2, Evropa: - Klun 5. mesto in 10. mesto - v seštevku ostal na 4. mestu. - Mejak 14. mesto in 13. mesto - v seštevku še brez točk. F3, Benelux: - Zakrajšek 7. mesto in 4. mesto - v seš...
on 2016-01-18 08:59:33 by Darac - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Čeština Výsledky poháru národů sezona 16 - 9. týden No. Další týden pryč a sezona 17 pomalu klepe na dveře. Doufám, že se Vám v sezonních sériích daří a úspěšně navyšujete rating. Já jsem se tento týden poprvé v kariéře dostal nad 4000 ratingu a tak to dneska trochu zapiju Iršajem. Musím přiznat, ž...
on 2016-01-18 08:04:04 by wandaL - Likes: 7 | Rating: 12.27)
English Enduring Rage Every once in a while you will see an Enduring Rage title in the custom series list. If you want to have some crazy fun in this game and test the limits of man and machine, these are fun custom series to jump into. Also be warned if you want to b...
on 2016-01-17 21:39:15 by LoyalW - Likes: 20 | Rating: 34.98)
Español David Fernández (nicorz): "Voy a por todas en Jerez" El español David Fernández ha hablado después de la carrera de hoy 17 de enero con la prensa, comentando varios temas: El extremeño de 27 años, en esta temporada piensa retirarse y que si no lo hiciera, sólo alargaría su retirada 1 temporada: &...
on 2016-01-17 19:56:48 by nicorz - Likes: 5 | Rating: 5.23)
Français Quatrième titre mondial en Formule 1 pour Red Bull Racing Vaillante F1 L'équipe française de FORMULE UN, Red Bull Racing Vaillante F1, vient de remporter un dixième succès en course cette saison. L'avance acquise sur les autres équipes lui permet d'obtenir, deux courses avant la fin du championnat, une FABULEUSE quat...
on 2016-01-17 19:19:59 by JordanF1 - Likes: 12 | Rating: 21.47)
English Rookie Series - Week 9 There is a much deeper story that goes beyond the massive point lead that Tiago Tejo has created. If you check out Tejo's record you will notice that he reeled of a string of poles and victories early in the season to create a massive lead. If you ...
on 2016-01-17 09:02:35 by EugeneBellamy - Likes: 9 | Rating: 12.46)
Suomi Tuttu kaava Suomalaiskuski Valtteri Sinisalo ajaa tällä hetkellä varsin tuttua kaavaa noudattavaa kautta. Alla on Sinisalon antama haastattelu toimitukselle. T: Toimittaja S: Sinisalo T: Oletko tyytyväinen kuluvaan kauteesi? S: No juu, onhan noita voitto...
on 2016-01-16 10:44:27 by FinnishGuy - Likes: 6 | Rating: 11.11)
Français Jean Missud revient en Nascar, avec le Wygo Racing A 35 ans, après un titre en F3 Brésilienne et diverses expériences en Europe, Jean Missud a officialisé aujourd’hui son retour à la Nascar pour la prochaine saison. Le Français, qui a déjà côtoyé cette discipline par le passé (20e de la saison 8 av...
on 2016-01-15 14:16:37 by BELIA - Likes: 19 | Rating: 27.69)
English Story of a monk There was a little boy who lived in a far away land. Close to the boy's home, there was a tall mountain, always covered in snow at the top. Also at the top of the mountain, there was an ancient monastery where ancient monks lived. Sometimes, the l...
on 2016-01-15 12:50:27 by Formulast4ra - Likes: 7 | Rating: 6.62)
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