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Català Autòdrom de Terramar El pilot Salvador Salvat ha mostrat la seva satisfacció d'haver pogut participar en una cursa en el mític circuit de Terramar a Sitges. Salvador Salvat al acabat de la cursa va comunicar: -Només participar-hi ja ha valgut la pena. Encara tinc la pell...
on 2017-10-07 15:16:02 by almatret - Likes: 4 | Rating: 7.24)
Italiano Buon Inizio Nelle libere ho il miglior tempo davanti al russo, quindi non è scontato che il russo vinca facile ;-D
on 2017-10-06 21:53:12 by CarmineLuce - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Italiano Stagione conclusa!!! Ora si va avanti! La stagione 24 è ormai giunta al termine, si sono concluse tutte le serie stagionali tra cui la F2 North America, dove ha conquistato il suo primo Titolo Carmine Luce, in un avvincente campionato in cui i piloti si sono giocati tutto fino all'ultima ...
on 2017-10-05 19:45:48 by CarmineLuce - Likes: 6 | Rating: 10.78)
Čeština Češi v akci - výsledkový servis Sezóna číslo 24. je definitivně za námi a za pár dnů tu máme novou sezónu a nové výzvy. Pojďme si připomenout, kde jsme mohli naše barvy vidět jak sváděli boj ve své sérii a jestli byl někdo úspěšný? Dle výsledků si můžeme udělat představu kdo letos ...
on 2017-10-05 13:50:25 by Ludwei - Likes: 8 | Rating: 13.85)
Polski Azjatycka przygoda #4 - to dopiero początek! Tak, ten fakt jest już niemal przesądzony - Emil Torbicki i Kamil Speedowski Jr pozostaną na kolejny sezon w azjatyckiej Formule 3, by po raz kolejny powalczyć o jak najlepsze pozycje w jednej z najbardziej prestiżowych serii F3 w MRC. W przyszłym se...
on 2017-10-04 22:59:11 by racer19 - Likes: 5 | Rating: 7.68)
Català Temporada 24 i futur per Àngel Holguera Després d'estar un temps sense fer comunicats, aquí tornem, amb un en català. En el dia d'avui vull fer una mica d'anàlisi de la temporada 24 per al meu pilot, Àngel Holguera, les meves previsions o expectatives per a la temporada 25 i presentar e...
on 2017-10-04 22:17:31 by nicorz - Likes: 4 | Rating: 7.26)
English F1 MRC S24: Do You Know?! Hi everyone, again I gathered a couple of fun MRC F1 facts/information that are not “seen” unless you look it up and do some work, so this is just me sharing it with you guys. Do you know who was the most improved driver in terms of points when ...
on 2017-10-04 18:57:19 by Tigerman - Likes: 24 | Rating: 43.31)
English F1 Power Rankings: Week X Hello for the last time this season on this subject guys, the final two races of the MRC F1 season are in the books and we have encountered the S24 champion! So congratulations to R. Grosjean Jr from the Red Bull Racing team, but also congratulations...
on 2017-10-04 17:24:00 by Tigerman - Likes: 5 | Rating: 9.45)
Deutsch Die Durststrecke ist zu Ende Wer hätte das gedacht? Die lange Durststrecke von Lam Borghini ist zu Ende. Der Seriensieg am `Formula 3 Alpine Series` ist Tatsache geworden! Lam hat sich sehr gut, wenn nicht sogar meisterlich geschlagen in den 20 Rennen. Von diesen hat er gerade m...
on 2017-10-04 16:40:58 by sindos73 - Likes: 6 | Rating: 10.69)
Suomi Niin se aika vierähtää Lähes viiden kuukauden tauon jälkeen Valtteri Sinisalo, manageri FinnishGuy ja toimittaja saivat sovitettua aikataulunsa uutta lehdistötiedotetta varten. Edellisen tiedotteen aikoihin kausi 22 oli loppumaisillaan, nyt ollaan jo hyvin lähellä kauden 2...
on 2017-10-04 15:21:56 by FinnishGuy - Likes: 4 | Rating: 7.47)
Svenska Motivation Joacim Ericsson slutade tolva i årets upplaga av Swedish F3 serie och det har gett honom inspiration inför nästa år. Han satsar på att köra någon annan serie för att utvecklas och få mer motivation. Inget är klart ännu då vi söker efter lämplig seri...
on 2017-10-04 14:23:12 by BjörnNilsson - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.65)
Slovenščina Anže Ožbolt prvak ETCS Z odličnimi predstavami v sezoni 24 je Anže Ožbolt poskrbel, da je naslov serije ETCS ponovno romal v roke slovenskega dirkača. Anže je v sezoni 24 osvojil kar štirinajst zmag, še petkrat pa je stal na stopničkah za zmagovalce. Skupaj je sezono konča...
on 2017-10-04 10:44:18 by toxic - Likes: 4 | Rating: 7.37)
English IN HONOUR OF THY FOUNDER As the world knows of the founders sad departure from this great world it has taken its toll everyone world wide . Hitting so close to home former bunny turned racer Kerry Smith was devasted by the news only hours after she clinched 2nd place in the ...
on 2017-10-04 10:41:21 by 0071977 - Likes: 4 | Rating: 7.34)
English Season 25 and more: The Ludwick POV Heading into Season 25, Brandon Ludwick is nearing retirement, and he's racing his final few races of the season in the quicker races. When asked if he'll race another season, the 38-year old said: "I'm not sure, I'm nearing the end of my car...
on 2017-10-04 06:44:22 by DustinWoods - Likes: 3 | Rating: 3.76)
English Addition to odds David Melnarowicz Jr. 2-1 Possible championship contender should compete in all series and consistent
on 2017-10-03 15:34:06 by BradleyBundy - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.32)
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