Press Releases
Artis Atrumins Special
As you may know Porsche Racing has decided to honor our legend driver by organizing Artis Atrumins Farewell Tour. However, for his last race we have prepared one more surprise for him. Some of you might think this is over the top, but you have to und...
on 2018-03-02 09:23:04 by torbar4life
Likes: 18
Rating: 32.56)
Àngel Holguera: "El campionat serà molt complicat"
Afrontant l'última setmana de competició en les sèries Fórmula 3, i amb diversos pilots que poden guanyar la seva, un d'ells és Ángel Holguera, el qual fa unes setmanes liderava amb diferència la Fórmula 3 Mediterrània.
A dia d'avui, ia falta d'un...
on 2018-02-27 20:18:24 by nicorz
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.47)
Ángel Holguera: "El campeonato será muy complicado"
Afrontando la última semana de competición en las series Fórmula 3, y con varios pilotos que pueden ganar la suya, uno de ellos es Ángel Holguera, el cual hace unas semanas lideraba con diferencia la Fórmula 3 Mediterránea.
A día de hoy, y a falt...
on 2018-02-27 19:56:43 by nicorz
Likes: 6
Rating: 9.63)
Porsche Racing
Najprej bi rad čestital torbarju za ubranitev naslova v prvenstvu DTWS in res dobre nastope v Pokalu narodov. Obenem bi mu rad tudi zaželel vso srečo v Formuli 1 in verjamem, da bo znal dostojno zastopati barve Porscheja.
Obenem bi se rad zahvalil...
on 2018-02-27 14:17:38 by Clunker
Likes: 5
Rating: 9.00)
Pohár národů S26 9.týden "štěstí bylo u nás"
Tentokrát to byl nádherný týden a štěstí bylo u nás. Díky výsledkům všech jezdců jsme nasbírali nejvíce bodů ze všech.
Takže devátý týden byl náš nejlepší za celou sezónu prozatím. No bylo by to super špica kdyby jsme si to tempo z toho týdne dal...
on 2018-02-27 13:49:55 by Ludwei
Likes: 4
Rating: 6.66)
España en la World Cup of Racing, temporada 27
Los dos equipos españoles para participar en la World Cup of Racing para la temporada 27 han sido aceptados por el organizador de la copa. A la espera de que confirme que la suma de puntuaciones es correcta, los dos equipos que se han registrado, com...
on 2018-02-27 12:34:22 by WarpER
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.50)
World Cup of Racing 27 Civil War
Splitting up countries into multiple teams in many Classifications.
... all countries If you have 5 drivers or 25 drivers each country can have 1-5 teams. Each team competes on its own. Each team can have a rating of 10000 for 5 drivers. Rating ...
on 2018-02-27 05:54:16 by BradleyBundy
Likes: 5
Rating: 7.31)
¿Cerca de los objetivos?
Se acercan las semanas finales de la temporada y Marc Montané está sufriendo ligeramente para cumplir los objetivos marcados para esta temporada.
Una serie de abandonos tanto por error del piloto como por averías mecánicas han comprometido un poc...
on 2018-02-26 20:04:33 by JordiMontané
Likes: 6
Rating: 10.92)
A prop dels objectius?
S'acosten les setmanes finals de la temporada i Marc Montané està patint lleugerament per acomplir els objectius marcats aquesta temporada.
Una sèrie d'abandonaments tant per error del pilot com avaries mecàniques han compromès una mica el liderat...
on 2018-02-26 20:00:10 by JordiMontané
Likes: 4
Rating: 7.33)
Campionato Italiano 26 - Resoconto e intervista al Campione Marco Aurelio
Ecco a voi il resoconto del campionato italiano (stagione 26) arricchito dall'intervista al nuovo campione Marco Aurelio.
Il campionato è stato caratterizzato da un ottimo livello tecnico dei piloti con la partecipazione di tutti i migliori per r...
on 2018-02-26 19:11:19 by maxodent
Likes: 11
Rating: 17.02)
Young Russian takes the podium
Yesterday was a big day for 18 Year old Russian driver, with him taking the podium first time in his career, in a season series in the 18th race of the season.
The whole team celebrated the podium like it was a win. The young driver took 5th pl...
on 2018-02-26 16:19:26 by Sir_ErikSalama
Likes: 11
Rating: 20.83)
NOT this time having prizes
i'm sorry to break it to you all, that i do not have enough coins to give 120 coins in prizes but next season or the season after that maybe next after that.
but their is good news though about for Frank Chen III fans though he is now 538+ rating ...
on 2018-02-26 01:51:08 by MichaelJones1
Likes: 1
Rating: 1.87)
Klemmhuber auch an der Goldküste erfolgreich
Vom vierten Startplatz aus ging der junge Österreicher Corvin Klemmhuber in das zweite Rennen der F3 Australian Series in Surfers Paradise. In der Metropole an der Ostküste wollte der 21-Jährige eigentlich mit einer guten Platzierung weitere Punkte f...
on 2018-02-25 20:55:46 by Pedrodellarossa86
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.44)
Schwierige Rennwoche für Hinteregger
Nach einem eher mehr Missglückten Quali ( Platz 12. ) versuchte Hinteregger dies im Rennen zu Kompensieren ( 1. Rennen Platz 10. und 2. Rennen Platz 6. ) , was Ihm auch mehr oder weniger Gelang .
Seiner Eigenen Aussage zufolge :"... man kann...
on 2018-02-25 17:23:43 by Hinze
Likes: 5
Rating: 8.96)
I like it.... but there's one I've been waiting for.
Hey bro, I'm a little bit late to the party as I just read your suggestions but I'm glad to say I like it, especially the WES one but there was a series that I've personally been waiting for and it's the British Touring Car Championship but to not mi...
on 2018-02-25 15:51:51 by ThatFPM8Guy
Likes: 2
Rating: 3.78)