Press Releases
Actually, you are wrong...
Not all MRC users had a chance to win rare car!
You see, some of us don’t have a Facebook profile and that is a requirement to win these rare cars. Competition on IMG only rewarded coins, but not a rare car.
Furthermore, I have few problems wit...
on 2018-07-20 10:13:50 by torbar4life
Likes: 17
Rating: 31.70)
Progreso irregular en el campeonato
El piloto Norberto Fuentes tras la ultima actualización estaba en la pelea por el Top 3 del campeonato pero desde entonces la irregularidad se ha apoderado del piloto argentino.
En el comienzo de la gira austriaca Norberto acumulo un sexto puesto...
on 2018-07-20 06:15:11 by Wiebe
Likes: 11
Rating: 17.28)
Everybody could win! Or not?
Each of the MRC users had a chance the same as Volak to win the car. That's a car damn fast, okay? He won him honestly and I do not know why he should not break records. After doing the job, a beautiful reward :-) Well, gentlemen and ladies. are your...
on 2018-07-20 01:55:32 by Ludwei
Likes: 6
Rating: 11.04)
Great reviews!
Love these, awesome reviews! My driver is neither a winner nor a loser... no news is good news?
Keep it up mate!
on 2018-07-19 16:24:09 by JordiMontané
Likes: 1
Rating: 1.92)
Classificação do XIII Campeonato Brasileiro após 8/10 corridas:
Segue a classificação atualizada do Brasileirão, faltando apenas uma rodada simples e outra dupla para o final:
1º Bruno Correa, 167 pontos
2º Roger Relâmpago, 157 pontos
3º Rafael Drummond, 135 pontos
4º José Carlos Pace, 126 ponto...
on 2018-07-19 15:32:31 by jeansapia
Likes: 6
Rating: 11.19)
Crazy Canuck: From Russia with Love F3- U20
Back in the U.S.S.R
I have created Crazy Canucks: From Russia with Love: CCFRwL
This quick serie to end season 28 takes us to six great tracks in Russia.
We get two races per track, the first ones are just under 200km the second ones just...
on 2018-07-19 00:54:08 by WilieEthelbertCoyote
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.31)
Inschrijvingen NK MRC van start
Het is gelukt!!! het NK MRC gaat door en de inschrijvingen zijn open. In principe hebben de actieve Nederlanders een uitnodiging gekregen maar als je deze niet hebt ontvangen stuur dan ff een berichtje naar Pollie of reageer ff op het forum.
De we...
on 2018-07-18 23:37:38 by Pollie
Likes: 5
Rating: 6.21)
F3 Masters Round 1 Pau Round-Up: Winners and Losers
First of all, never had the chance to say it but I want to say thanks to everyone who signed up, we filled up places in less than 24 hours so I'm very grateful for your interest :D I might get the prizes sorted too once I get more coins so 10 for the...
on 2018-07-18 22:34:13 by ThatFPM8Guy
Likes: 2
Rating: 3.80)
thanks for this serie
Cool thanks for this serie or even beginners of 18 years should be able to mingle with the fight for good places.
it's so rare for an 18-year-old pilot to look at the top class and not the last places.
Thank you Wile Ethelbert Coyote (Beep, beep...
on 2018-07-18 19:26:15 by gasss
Likes: 5
Rating: 8.94)
Pohár národů S28 7.týden "Half Life"
Sedmý týden byl krásný v seniorské kategorii, kdy hned tři jezdi dosáhli na bednu což je fantastické, ale lehce tento výsledek ponořilo ve finále dvakrát DNF v hlavním závodě v juniorské třídě. podařilo se moc a zkazilo se taky dost. Ale byla celkově...
on 2018-07-18 01:33:38 by Ludwei
Likes: 7
Rating: 12.79)
Pokal narodov
V preteklih tednih smo imeli dve anketi, na katerih smo se odločali o spremembi imena naše nacionalne zveze in o spremembi rivala v Pokalu narodov.
Pri spremembi imena smo se odločali med sedanjim nazivom Slovenian Motorsport Association in mojo p...
on 2018-07-17 22:05:40 by toxic
Likes: 4
Rating: 7.53)
Porsche Racing
Vsi tisti, ki bi radi pomagali ekipi Porsche Racing k še boljšim rezultatom, lahko to storite z donacijo glasovalnih točk. V kolikor ne veste kaj so glasovalne točke, si lahko pogledate video vodič, ki sem ga pripravil ( točke s...
on 2018-07-17 21:43:21 by torbar4life
Likes: 5
Rating: 9.39)
Torneo TC: 2do puesto en Rafaela
Desarrollada ya 11 fechas del "Torneo de Turismo Carretera", entre los 6 primeros pilotos del campeonato se encuentra en el 4to lugar, el piloto argentino OSCAR FORCLAZ(con un TORINO). Los otros cinco lugares son ocupados por extranjeros, s...
on 2018-07-17 21:38:41 by OscarForclaz
Likes: 2
Rating: 3.68)
Robert Kubica Podcast
11 lipca 2018 roku na oficjalnym kanale Formula 1 na Youtube ukazał się 1-godzinny Podcast z Robertem Kubicą. Jest to bardzo szczera rozmowa przeprowadzona przez Toma Clarksona. Od razu zachęcam do odsłuchania całej rozmowy bo na prawdę warto! Poniże...
on 2018-07-16 12:50:41 by piekarz87
Likes: 8
Rating: 15.19)
Andriy Mlynariv i Benjamín Hernández seran els pilots de Ferrari a la temporada 29
Encara que des de la setmana passada es coneixia la renovació del número 1 ucraïnès, avui s'ha pogut conèixer que l'equip italià i l'actual líder de la F3 Nordamericana estaven en negociacions, i que només falta la signatura en el contracte.
on 2018-07-16 12:21:00 by nicorz
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.63)