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Magyar Magyar Nemzeti Kupa I Sziasztok! Először kerül megrendezésre ezen a néven ingyenes privát sorozat, melyre meghívást kap az összes magyar anyanyelvű felhasználó, határon innen, határon túl. A jelentkezés zárt, csak meghívottak nevezhetnek. Első körben csak a magy...
on 2018-07-27 09:44:48 by Boczy - Likes: 6 | Rating: 9.96)
English Crazy Canuck: End of Season Quicky F3-U21 I have created Crazy Canucks: End of Season Quicky: CCEoSQ This miniserie to end season 28 (I realised I could squeeze this one in after CCFRwL!) it takes us to five great tracks in South America. I still cannot do 'invitations' (hoping some...
on 2018-07-27 04:26:48 by WilieEthelbertCoyote - Likes: 4 | Rating: 6.70)
English Popularity or artistry!!! Hell I lose on both counts! First I would never ask anyone on my friends list to even vote for article I write.. Because that is just not right.. Second while many are on my friends list.. Most are their to get true honesty when they write me.. I do...
on 2018-07-26 07:37:58 by TerryWilson - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.66)
Español Nos Quedamos en NASCAR,pero cambiamos de equipo Ayer nos enteramos que Richard Petty esta interesado en otro piloto y le nosotros, yo y mi piloto ingresaremos a el Furniture Row Racing para nuestra segunda temporada en NASCAR, para seguir la adaptacion de mi piloto a los ovalos para algun dia lleg...
on 2018-07-25 23:09:07 by marceloloeb - Likes: 3 | Rating: 4.61)
Português, Brasil Classificação do XIII Campeonato Brasileiro após 9/10 corridas: Roger Relâmpago reassume a liderança do Brasileirão faltando apenas uma corrida para o final do campeonato! Graças a ausência do então líder Bruno Correa, Relâmpago ganhou quase todos os pontos possíveis e abriu 14 de vantagem em cima de Correa. C...
on 2018-07-25 21:49:03 by jeansapia - Likes: 5 | Rating: 9.39)
English It's the arts... There's a planned MRC Design Shop in the works and there cars would be voted so the best designed ones would get 5 stars, 4 stars and so on, but I don't know if there'll be associated prizes there.
on 2018-07-25 18:12:08 by JordiMontané - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.88)
English Yay! Got mentioned in there.... Yeah, a winner mention! I feel with my driver's level and 4 or 5 26 year old drivers, getting near the top 10 is what my driver should shoot for at least. Also nice touch with the driver numbers on the spreadsheet - mine using number 0 thanks to g...
on 2018-07-25 18:10:24 by JordiMontané - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
English Popularity or Artistry? Português 25.07.2018 - Anyone looking for a rare car should enter the livery competition whatever the skill level. Thet's because it's not a "best livery" but a "most popular" contest. If you have lots of facebook friends you ...
on 2018-07-25 11:16:16 by ClaudioMonteiro - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.66)
Português Popularity or Artistry? Anyone looking for a rare car should enter the livery competition whatever the skill level. Thet's because it's not a "best livery" but a "most popular" contest. If you have lots of facebook friends you will have a great chanc...
on 2018-07-25 11:15:18 by ClaudioMonteiro - Likes: 5 | Rating: 9.39)
Deutsch Wolf Woeger zum 4. mal in Folge DACH Meister Ein Rennen vor Saisonende konnte Wolf Woeger sich den Titel zum 4. mal in folge in der DACH-Meisterschaft sichern. Zuvor hatte L. Hamberg noch eine minimale Chance auf den Titel und musste auf zwei Totalausfälle von Woeger hoffen. Platz 3 ist noch h...
on 2018-07-25 08:48:18 by SvenHauke - Likes: 5 | Rating: 9.57)
English Mack To The Future... Reacting to recent defamatory statements; British driver Mack Zaggro hit back (in the most jovial, community friendly way possible...) to being branded "average" by his co-patriot rival manager in a recent Press Release. Zaggro was on th...
on 2018-07-25 01:45:35 by Adamski - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.84)
English F3 Masters Round 3 Zandvoort Round-Up: Winners and Losers Like I said earlier, spreadsheet is out now so check it out if you want to guys :D https://docs.google.... I'm back with another round-up (yes it's that time of day) Winners: ... Szybki: Ok, might've been caught out with the rain in the Sprint...
on 2018-07-25 00:09:03 by ThatFPM8Guy - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.80)
Čeština VOLÁK JR. Nejsledovanější profil na MRC!!!!! Ahoj, zdravím všechny České i Slovenské manažery a jezdce. Možná jste někteří v obraze a možná se k vám ještě nedostala kauza o mém jezdci Honzovi Volákovi Jr. Kauza která ovládla MRC team a všechny manažery v MRC má svoje ODPURCE ale také PRIZNIVCE...
on 2018-07-24 18:45:04 by VolisWiliam - Likes: 8 | Rating: 14.73)
Čeština 15-way: "Souboj cti" Po minulé sezóně kdy se nám podařilo se dostat do elitní třídy A. Tak náš cíl byl se zde udržet a to se podařilo a s radostí můžu oznámit, že v sezóně S29 pojdeme opět v nejvyšší třídě. přehled jezdců CZ S28: 7.pozice Luděk Valenta jr. 62...
on 2018-07-24 16:35:41 by Ludwei - Likes: 5 | Rating: 8.94)
Čeština Pohár národů S28 8.týden: "směr vpřed" Osmý týden byl velmi výborný pro naše barvy. Kdy jsem nasbírali mega dost bodů a tím jsme se dostali na celkové místo číslo 4!!!!!!!!!!! Sice Itálie,Brazílie a Franice jsou v těsné blízkosti, ale co víc je že Polsko ani Portugalsko nejsou zase tak...
on 2018-07-24 12:53:14 by Ludwei - Likes: 7 | Rating: 12.53)
1 ... 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 ... 842