Press Releases
Best wishes for the Bat-Man
Cheers to a well-deserved retirement Mr. Wayne, may it be filled with contentment! You were an inspiration to your fellow USRA teammates and a kind and generous mentor to the entire MRC community. Take pride in your legacy, you will be missed and nev...
on 2018-10-25 03:17:41 by AllenHicks
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.74)
Wayne retires to the Bat-Rocking Chair
After 22 seasons of racing, Bruce (Batman) Wayne finally hung up his racing boots. He looks forward to crushing crime in his spare time, and binge-watching two decades of television shows that he missed while competing on tracks all over the world. ...
on 2018-10-24 23:51:07 by Lee1950
Likes: 12
Rating: 22.45)
carrera en Chaika, carreras en privados P1 y temporada siguiente
en la carrera en este trazado ucraniano estuve todo el tiempo segundo desde el inicio hasta el final,una carrera muy buena para no haberme movido ninguna posición,lo rescatable es el podio .
Ahora en los autos privados clase P1 en los circuitos pa...
on 2018-10-24 21:35:13 by ivanchoat
Likes: 3
Rating: 4.33)
Le titre d'Espagne pour un Français
C'est avec grand plaisir que le pilote français greg Pass remporte un 5éme titre consécutif .
on 2018-10-24 20:00:00 by McGregor02
Likes: 4
Rating: 7.66)
Svi koji ovo ćitaju ako glasate da ja vodim repku da ću je dovesti do prvoga mijesta i da ćemo biti prvaci i da ću najbolje vozaće birati i da ću izraditi najlijepši bolid svijeta
on 2018-10-24 18:19:49 by kloki11
Likes: 2
Rating: 2.24)
Comença la nova trayectoria de Lucas Moret
El jove pilot ha deixat les seues idees clares del que espera en la nova trayectoria.
S'ha fixat com a objectiu guanyar les 500 milles de Indianapolis,les Le Mans 1000 ( con si foren les 24h) i pero ultim vol guanyar un campeonato de F1. Básicamente...
on 2018-10-24 14:38:56 by julencito
Likes: 1
Rating: 1.89)
Monster Energy Sponsors LKR in Multi Season Deal
Today Monster Energy is Excited to announce a partnership with LKR. This Deal Start season 30 and is currently expected to run through season 34.
Monster has been a Secondary sponsor in the past has decided to take its brand to a whole new leve...
on 2018-10-23 01:33:36 by BradleyBundy
Likes: 7
Rating: 12.88)
Dominanca ekipe Red Bull
Z dirko v Abu Dabi-ju se je zaključila 29. sezona formule 1. Naslov svetovnega prvaka je ubranil Francoz Lucas de Saint-Germain, tokrat v dirkalniku Red Bull-a. Slednji je premočno zmagal tudi med konstruktorji, uspeh ekipe pa je z drugim mestom v sk...
on 2018-10-22 21:47:55 by Clunker
Likes: 6
Rating: 11.17)
Pohár národů S29 10.týden - "generálka před velkým finálem"
Výsledky z 10.týdne
Doslova hekticky prožitý závodní víkend. Po devátém týdnu nám náleželo 7.místo a na 6 nebo i 5.místo nám chybělo 6 bodů!!!
Bohužel 7.místo nám náleží i po tomto týdnu, ale neztrácíme o moc na předešlé 6 a 5 místo. Vše jd...
on 2018-10-22 21:24:42 by Ludwei
Likes: 5
Rating: 9.06)
Pokal narodov: Dare Atlešek izgubil vodstvo
Pred nami je še zadnji krog Pokala narodov in obeta se nam napet zaključek sezone. O naslovu med posamezniki je razlika med prvimi tremi vozniki samo 18 točk. V skupnem seštevku je tako sedaj na vrhu Chloé de Saint-Germain, ki ima pred Atelšekom samo...
on 2018-10-22 10:25:47 by toxic
Likes: 5
Rating: 9.31)
Un Novato más en MRC
El recién llegado Diego Jareño (Social Media Instagram) pasa por la F3 para intentar hacerse con el Campeonato. Según él, siempre ha querido llegar a la Formula 1. ¿Lo conseguirá?
on 2018-10-21 13:20:27 by diegoji74
Likes: 4
Rating: 5.50)
Living the F1 Dream. The Final race!
It been a pleasure to give an inside view of My driver living his F1 dream! But like all good stories there is always an End. Foyt dream of a successful debut in F1 was to score a single point for Audi in this he will likely fail. Never before has F...
on 2018-10-21 08:53:21 by TerryWilson
Likes: 6
Rating: 10.91)
Montané: progresa adecuadamente
Esta vez sí, Marc Montané ha tenido una buena temporada en un campeonato superior. El piloto de Manlleu dió el salto a los turismos en el campeonato TCS Europe y su fe se ha visto recompensada con un buen quinto lugar entre pilotos de nivel similar o...
on 2018-10-20 15:39:01 by JordiMontané
Likes: 5
Rating: 8.68)
Montané: progressa adequadament
Aquesta vegada sí, Marc Montané ha tingut una bona temporada en un campionat superior. El pilot de Manlleu va fer el salt als turismes al campionat TCS Europe i la seva fe s'ha vist recompensada amb un bon cinquè lloc entre pilots de nivell similar o...
on 2018-10-20 15:32:27 by JordiMontané
Likes: 4
Rating: 7.48)
Buza ml. napušta F1
Nakon 2 sezone u F1 Daniel Buza ml. odlučio je napustiti najviši rang natjecanja. U prvoj sezoni je završio na 22 mjestu, u drugoj sezoni će vjerojatno završiti 23 još je jedna utrka do kraja prvenstva.
Buza ml. se zahvaljuje ekipi Ljuti Krajišnic...
on 2018-10-19 22:56:05 by daniel00cro
Likes: 2
Rating: 3.30)