Press Releases
Amigos Runners: corrida 2 de 20
Na segunda corrida da temporada, novamente no oval de Interlagos, Ricardo Conessa continuou irresistível (ui!), conquistando novamente a VR e vencendo a corrida para a Arrows.
Roger Relâmpago conseguiu extrair o máximo de sua Alfa Romeo e avançou ...
on 2019-01-24 15:08:31 by Rogerius
Likes: 4
Rating: 6.87)
Grand Prix of Americas
De Grand Prix of Americas was voor Raymond van de Pol weer een gevalletje middenmoot. na als 20e van start te zijn gegaan kwam hij als 18e over de finish. Hopelijk de volgende race beter.
on 2019-01-23 22:46:44 by Pollie
Likes: 0
Rating: 0.00)
Amigos Runners: abertura da temporada
E foi dada a largada para mais uma edição do campeonato Amigos Runners.
A primeira corrida ocorreu no traçado semi-oval do Anel Externo de Interlagos.
Asdrúbal Pinto conquistou a primeira pole position da temporada para a equipe Maseratti, poré...
on 2019-01-23 19:50:04 by Rogerius
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.63)
CBM: 2ª corrida
O circuito ePrix da Cidade do Méximo foi palco nesta tarde de uma atuação de gala de Roger Relâmpago, que largou da pole position e venceu com quase 20s de vantagem sobre os adversários.
Bruno Corrêa também se recuperou de uma atuação fraca na pri...
on 2019-01-23 18:45:36 by Rogerius
Likes: 1
Rating: 1.87)
Držíme mu palce. O pár sezón bude valcovať :)
on 2019-01-23 09:56:04 by gabrielkosztur
Likes: 0
Rating: 0.00)
pro U21 hlasuju pro kohokoliv kromě Daniela- sice mu teď zdvihám Koncentraci, aby míň chyboval, ale ještě nato nemá :)
on 2019-01-22 11:05:54 by PDBobr
Likes: 1
Rating: 1.92)
Pohár národů S31 1.týden - "Smrtící tempo"
V nové sezóně nové novinky jak se národy poperou s novými výzvami ? Náš národ v testovací zkoušce obstál úplně nejlépe ze všech, když již po sprintu jsme byli na prvním místě a po hlavním závodě jsem náskok ještě více navýšili. No takže první týden j...
on 2019-01-22 10:44:59 by Ludwei
Likes: 6
Rating: 11.20)
2 Drivers
Developers consider this. More money, fuller series, retaining players, adding more players.
More money. How all those super licenses, more private series, potentially more pay series other than F1
Fuller series simple fuller series means max...
on 2019-01-22 07:21:15 by BradleyBundy
Likes: 12
Rating: 20.31)
Filling Series
My opinion about the topic of filling series is that the use of random retired drivers to fill the spots is a reasonable way to go in having drivers not be screwed over by a small amount of competition, but I feel that there should still be an aspect...
on 2019-01-22 00:50:47 by PhilipGoldberg
Likes: 4
Rating: 7.43)
Why empty seats in series
Hi Adamski,
I agree,
1- 2 drivers would be a big big plus for the managers.
2- Being able to create private races where the drivers rating are closer to each other would also be a great motivator, I create the Crazy Canuck series and limit...
on 2019-01-22 00:13:20 by WilieEthelbertCoyote
Likes: 2
Rating: 3.60)
Crazy Canuck Two Lane Black Top-s4u24
This is CCTLBT!
Another great set of tracks in season four of the Crazy Canuck serie.
We visit famous tracks all over the USA for drivers under 24!
A great opportunity for young drivers to hone their skills.
The entry fee has been reduced...
on 2019-01-21 23:53:47 by WilieEthelbertCoyote
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.37)
F1 Power Rankings S31: Week I
Hi again guys, after a five seasons hiatus I decided to bring back the unofficial F1 Power Rankings (PR) for this F1 MRC season. It's basically more of the same if you used to follow these, there are now other drivers but the formula remains the same...
on 2019-01-21 21:55:03 by Tigerman
Likes: 3
Rating: 5.73)
OCM Mosca Racing Team
La stagione 31 è appena iniziata e con questo comunicato stampa l'OCM (officina creativa mosca) vuol presentare le livree per la stagione in corso.
Sono state realizzate le 4 tipologie di vettura per la Formula 3:
e due modelli per i...
on 2019-01-21 18:26:52 by Mosca
Likes: 2
Rating: 3.14)
OCM Mosca Racing Team
La stagione 31 è appena iniziata e con questo comunicato stampa l'OCM (officina creativa mosca) vuol presentare le livree per la stagione in corso.
Sono state realizzate le 4 tipologie di vettura per la Formula 3:
e due modelli per i...
on 2019-01-21 18:26:52 by Mosca
Likes: 1
Rating: 1.26)
Umorientieren für den Rennstall Ritter
Nach dem unglücklichen Ende der letzten Saison, in der Andreas Ritter nur hauchdünn den Titel in der Turismo Carretera verpasst hatte, wurde im Team ein mutiger Entschluss gefasst. Man verließ die argentinische Stock-Car-Serie, um mit dem 22-jährigen...
on 2019-01-21 13:39:00 by Schnuederlue
Likes: 7
Rating: 13.01)