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Magyar Magyar dobogók a MONSTER ENERGY U19-es sorozatban Petrovics Bence Jr. idén tapasztalat szerzés céljából vágott neki a Monster Energy által meghirdetett U19-es sorozatának, amelyből már 2 forduló lezajlott a szezonból. Az 1. fordulóban rögtön győzelemmel indította a szezont, amely nagy meglepetés vol...
on 2019-04-14 18:34:26 by Tamarillo - Likes: 2 | Rating: 2.94)
English Part 2 Driver by Driver Review + Fun Facts Tomek Pasek: 21st, 14 points, best result: 8th Monaco Feature Good news, he made some brilliant peformances and he also seen the chequered flag every race likewise for 9 other drivers but the bad news was that he did struggle in most races and lost ...
on 2019-04-14 16:29:49 by ThatFPM8Guy - Likes: 8 | Rating: 14.61)
Italiano Intervista N.Baccaro Stagione 32 TV2.R.Lana, come ti sembra questo inizio di stagione nella TCS? N.Baccaro, è un campionato a ruote coperte non alla portata delle mie esperienze, dovrò impegnarmi alla massimo. TV2.R.Lana, hai trovato piloti molto più competitivi in questa seri...
on 2019-04-14 07:43:14 by metroid8 - Likes: 2 | Rating: 1.64)
English F3 Masters Season 31 Complete Review Hey guys, welcome to my review of the 4th season of MRC F3 Masters where we saw Dexter Morgan clinch the title after threats which became a 3 way showdown. After a mixed season of promises and disappointments for the Russ, we thought it was gonna be...
on 2019-04-14 00:54:09 by ThatFPM8Guy - Likes: 6 | Rating: 11.00)
English F3 Masters Season 31 Complete Review Hey guys, welcome to my review of the 4th season of MRC F3 Masters where we saw Dexter Morgan clinch the title after threats which became a 3 way showdown. After a mixed season of promises and disappointments for the Russ, we thought it was gonna be...
on 2019-04-14 00:53:45 by ThatFPM8Guy - Likes: 3 | Rating: 5.65)
Nederlands ETCS Hungaroring De 6e plaats lijkt het lot van Raymond van de Pol in de ETCS. in de tweede race was dit zowel zijn start als finish positie.
on 2019-04-14 00:10:48 by Pollie - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.49)
English SRS DKS S32 ( Sport R ) ------- INFO Due to a small mistake on my part, when the series was created, the first five are already rewarded with their coins, like the Seasons before! Prize money - 1: 84 coins Prize money - 2: 67 coins Prize money - 3: 50 coins Prize money - 4: 33 coins...
on 2019-04-13 12:22:49 by DennisKlein - Likes: 2 | Rating: 3.85)
Português, Brasil [CBM18] R2: Zwartkops (África do Sul) A segunda corrida da temporada levou a um empate triplo pela liderança da competição. Ricardo Conessa conquistou sua primeira pole da temporada (16ª da carreira), enquanto José Carlos Pace obteve a VR (8ª da carreira). Na pista, saindo da 4ª po...
on 2019-04-12 17:00:41 by Rogerius - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Português, Brasil [AR15] 1ª Rodada: Beira E a temporada AR15 começou! No circuito de Beira em Moçambique, a primeira sessão classificatória terminou com a pole position nas mãos de José Carlos Pace da Alfa Romeo, equipe campeã da temporada passada. Ricardo Conessa conseguiu mais uma VR...
on 2019-04-12 16:59:09 by Rogerius - Likes: 0 | Rating: 0.00)
Italiano ROOKIE SERIES GARA 1 SACHSERING (GER) QUALIFICHE 1 R.ATRIA (COL) 2 D. BITUNJAC (CRO) 3 A.BURALLI (ITA) 4 M.MAJERAN (Pol) Z.BULA (TUR) Finalmente e' iniziata la stagione della Rookie Series e la prima tappa e' stata il Sachsering storico tracciato tedesco che ha visto trionfare R...
on 2019-04-11 23:17:47 by rinaldo - Likes: 2 | Rating: 1.82)
Magyar Pilótanapló-5 – Tejelnek a szponzorok Az elmúlt, 31. szezon egyetlen kérdése az volt, hogy volt-e értelme 22 éves fejjel elszerződni a TCS Európa bajnokságba, egy olyan küzdelemsorozatba, ahol papíron alig a 10. eséllyel indultam. Nos, ha valaki a dobogós pozíciókat és a kupák gyűjtés...
on 2019-04-11 19:59:54 by Verdike - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.71)
Nederlands BELNED Cup Solvalla De eerste ronde van de BELNED cup op het circuit van Solvalla was een spannende. Richard verschoor stond op pole voor de eerste race. Dit kon hij niet omzetten in een overwinning. Deze ging naar Steef den Braber gevolgd door Raymond van de Pol. Ve...
on 2019-04-11 08:00:25 by Pollie - Likes: 5 | Rating: 8.00)
Nederlands TCR Hungaroring Tijdens de eerste race op de Hungaroring heeft Raymond van de Pol zijn mooie 3e startplaats niet om kunnen zetten in een goed resultaat. Langzaam viel hij terug en hij kwam uiteindelijk als 6e over de finish
on 2019-04-10 23:42:26 by Pollie - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.47)
Magyar Az újonc fejlődése Maki Hakapeszi rohamosan fejlődik. A magyar forma 3-as bajnokságban már felfigyeltek
on 2019-04-10 21:38:26 by laca7711 - Likes: 1 | Rating: 1.51)
Čeština [B]Katastrofa v kvalifikaci v Bristolu[/B] Jezdi J.Střechovi se nedaří navázat na uspěšné vysledky z amerických okruhý kde po usměšném třetím místě v kvalifikaci získal první místo po krásné underkatu na vedoucího jezdce. V kvalifikaci na ovalový závod se mu neporadřilo zajet ani jeden čist...
on 2019-04-10 14:14:14 by NickFry - Likes: 2 | Rating: 1.86)
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