Press Releases
Doodle "Not Impressed" by Rookie
After a quick race a Sebring featuring a fairly mid-range field, Seven Racing's Snicker Doodle was asked for his comments on Alex Keister, an MRC rookie that has been making waves with a high volume of press releases and claims of dominant racing aga...
on 2020-11-19 22:48:16 by seven
Likes: 5
Rating: 7.86)
Poháru národů S39 6. týden - První vítězství
Ve skutečnosti se nám kvapem blíží konec sezóny, ale my se teď ohlédneme za 6. týdnem závodů Poháru národů, u jehož přehledu vás opět vítám. Naše reprezentace chtěla navázat na velmi dobré výkony z minulého týdne, které byly pozlacené tím, že ve všec...
on 2020-11-19 17:41:56 by Koruzi
Likes: 4
Rating: 7.54)
Simple teams please
These proposals for low level teams all sounds rather complicated - why not start simple:
- for a series, let drivers designate teams
- enable the setting in the Race setup for allow team mate past and make it work in race
- add a standings tab...
on 2020-11-19 11:47:43 by Mobeer
Likes: 3
Rating: 4.22)
RE: How lower level teams would work
Kman, I'm sure everyone in the community appreciates your enthusiasm for the game. But can you stop putting out as many press releases as you do for your ideas and discussions and redirect this to the forums. By no means am I telling you never to do ...
on 2020-11-18 01:05:49 by Limes
Likes: 20
Rating: 34.69)
How lower level teams would work
The way the lower level teams for F1 would work is that they would run the f1 schelude. They would have their own bugdets to buy things and sign emploiess. The racers can not be older than 25 when signed. They have the same rules. The engines though ...
on 2020-11-17 23:02:43 by kman901
Likes: 2
Rating: 1.86)
Silly Season issue 2
Yes I know. It is a bit soon to release another one. With information from torbar4life about f1 engines. I think that both the engines and gear boxs will be approved. And with teams having emploies be able to design parts of the cars the cost for the...
on 2020-11-17 21:53:02 by kman901
Likes: 1
Rating: 0.33)
New Engine Rules
New engine rules are around the corner and there are still a lot of unknowns about new engine rules:
https://myra... my calculations it will cost around 75M to develop new engine, including employee salaries, engine department costs and project cost...
on 2020-11-17 20:10:01 by torbar4life
Likes: 10
Rating: 16.69)
MRC Silly Season issue 1
I have heared that next season that there could be some changes to F1. Teams might be able to make certain parts of the cars but still have to buy certian parts. I have also heared that Ford is going to be one of the teams that does better next year ...
on 2020-11-17 18:49:58 by kman901
Likes: 2
Rating: 1.86)
[BR24] Classificação após 14/16 corridas
1º #3 Bernardo Reckziegel, 262 pontos
2º #1 Juca Macieira II, 241 pontos
3º #20 Alex Reis, 233 pontos
4º #7 Karina Sette, 229.5 pontos
5º #18 Helio da Matta Jr, 190 pontos
6º #5 Mateus Marçal, 180 pontos
7º #29 Asdrubal Pinto, 178 po...
on 2020-11-17 14:55:17 by jeansapia
Likes: 5
Rating: 9.47)
DTWS Recap weeks 7-8
The first qualification on the Italian track was very tight, with 5 riders in just 1/10th of a second. Del Ragno won the pole, followed by Miller Jr. and Kokkonen. A race with overtaking for the first time in a long time, highlighting t...
on 2020-11-17 12:19:33 by jperles
Likes: 5
Rating: 8.45)
Final de Temporada: Moto3 Junior Series
A falta de les cites dobles d'Albacete i Xest tenim a dos candidats al Campionat:
L'austríac, Otto Hieronimus, es líder del Campionat amb 278 punts, respecte dels 264 punts del portuguès, Miguel Pedro, tot'hi que ha aconseguit 7 victòries enfron...
on 2020-11-16 18:24:19 by albgim96
Likes: 5
Rating: 8.80)
Final de Temporada: Moto3 Junior Series
A falta de las citas dobles de Albacete y Cheste tenemos ha dos firmes candidatos al campeonato:
El Austriaco, Otto Hieronimus, es líder de campeonato con 278 puntos, frente a los 264 puntos del portugués, Miguel Pedro, todo hi que tiene 7 victo...
on 2020-11-16 18:04:26 by albgim96
Likes: 6
Rating: 10.73)
Magyar Nemzeti Kupa XII jelentkezés
A mai naptól lehet jelentkezni a szezon 66. napján induló, magyaroknak rendezett kupasorozat 12. felvonására! Ha akár itthoni, vagy külföldön élő magyarként részt akarsz venni, ebben a részletes cikkben minden fontos információt megtalálsz hozzá.
on 2020-11-16 11:39:13 by Boczy
Likes: 2
Rating: 3.86)
[Rate]- Round 1 Sumbe (ANG)
Si comincia! Il 1° round Africano nel circuito Angolano di Sumbe è concluso,scopriamo subito i primi risultati!
Le QUALIFICHE regalano la pole position al Britannico Merryweather che vince il primo confronto di solo 96 millesimi di secondo con l'U...
on 2020-11-15 02:13:12 by RossanoArtuso
Likes: 3
Rating: 4.82)
De bonnes nouvelles
Et voilà, la jeune pilote Cléa Molette a terminée son cursus scolaire et vient d'obtenir son diplôme. Elle peut dorénavant se concentrer sur son entrainement de pilote automobile.
Et pour fêter cela, quoi de mieux qu'un podium lors de la cours...
on 2020-11-14 18:09:38 by EmlinDaw
Likes: 4
Rating: 6.84)