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1 Formula 1

The Formula 1 series is the highest level of open-wheel racing car competition in the game. Unlike other series, Formula 1 has 15 human-managed teams participating in the competition. Team owners handle all the important things required to run the team. Anybody can become an owner of the team.

1.1 Team Ownership

Every team has owners. Some teams ownership might be a single person, and some teams may have many shareholders. All shareholders vote to accept important team decisions.

There are levels of team ownership - major and minor shareholders.

  • Major Shareholders
  • A major shareholder is a team owner with at least 8% of the team shares. All major shareholders must agree with the team manager's decisions related to the ownership.

  • Minor Shareholders
  • A minor shareholder is a team owner with less than 8% of the team shares. They do have voting rights relevant to the number of their shares but do not have the right to block the decisions of the team manager which requires the approval of all major shareholders.

1.1.1 Team Purchase

A Share in a team can be purchased via auction for coins. First such an auction will be run before the formula 1 first season. Everybody will have the right to place a bid for one of the teams or take part in group bid for a team. The 15 highest bids will become winners and all members of those bids will receive the team ownership shares. The amount of shares is dependent on the number of coins invested.

1.1.2 Team Ownership Sale

A Share in a team can be sold by the owners at any time. They can sell any amount of shares directly to another user for any kind of reward or place them to auction and receive the coins from the best bid. This is one of the ways to get the team ownership after the Formula 1 start. The auction fee and also the direct sale fee is 10% of the price and is paid by the seller.

Manager who purchases shares via auction or direct sale must wait at least 2 seasons before he can sell the shares. In case of earlier sale, he must give team co-owners a chance to match the sale price, and if anybody is interested he must sell shares (or part of them) to the interested co-owner. The manager must inform co-owners in team forum and wait 48 hours before they can begin to sell their shares.

1.1.3 Team Owner Inactivity

Team owner inactivity is unacceptable. The team is operating and actions are required often. Owners have the right to set a delegate who will take care of business during owner inactivity. Inactive owners without delegation will be notified via email after 7 days. If he is still inactive after another 14 days, his team shares will be placed for sale via auction and the coins will be added to the owner account so he can use them after he becomes active again. If the owner did indeed set a delegate, then becomes inactive, there is no problem unless the delegate becomes inactive or the delegate decides to stop working for the team. Then, after 7 days the owner will be notified by email and after another 14 days, his team shares will be placed for sale via auction.

1.1.4 New Team Investor

This is the last possibility to become a team owner. If finances do not look good, team owners can decide to issue new team shares and increase team budget. This can be done 2 times per season.

The first share issue is possible during weeks 7-11 of the season and it is available for all teams. The maximum a team can receive is either 3 million.

Second share issue is possible after the last race of the season and season income stats calculation performed by the system. It is available for all teams except the best earning team of the season. The maximum a team can receive is 65% of the difference between income from sponsors, drivers, voting points and rewards of the requesting team and best earning team during the whole season.

In both cases percentage of issued shares will be calculated based on team season income and money received from the share issue.

Unassigned shares can be purchased directly by the team owners for 10 coins per 1M received by the team for these shares. If team does not want to purchase all directly they can place shares to the auction with minimum bid value equal to 8 coins per 1M received byt he team for these shares. If nobody purchases shares via auction they stay unassigned and team can again purchase directly or place to the auction again. If there are unassigned shares in the team, no other share issues can be requested.

The direct purchase of unassigned shares must be approved by all major shareholders. If any major shareholder raises complaints within reasonable time about the shares distribution the action will be rolled back.

1.1.5 Team Punishments

Formula 1 teams may receive finance punishments if the team, owner or driver breaks the rules regarding advertising of their team. The F1 Commissioner will decide punishments based on the facts of the case and standard punishments.

If a team owner breaks the rules, the team can punish him by taking some of his shares. The amount of shares the team can take from the manager will depend on the severity of the case.

2 Team Manager

Every team has a Team Manager who prepares deals with sponsors and drivers, prepares instructions for car development, prepares deals for facility improvements and handles employees. All these decisions are then validated by the owners.

2.1 Manager Elections

Every user is eligible to take part in the elections but he must be nominated by one of the team owners. The team owners elect the team manager every season. The elections start on the 57th day of the season and ends on the 63rd day of the season, so he has 2 full weeks to perform needed actions before the start of the next season. Owners can also initiate early elections after at least 14 days of the current manager's work if at least 35% of the owners request such an action. These elections also last 7 days.

3 Drivers

Every team has 2 drivers during one season. Unlike standard series in Formula 1 there is no automatic system for accepting drivers based on driver rating. Team manager and the owners must take all the variables into account and pick the best drivers for the team.

3.1 Driver Value for Team

Driver has a big influence on the team development in many ways.

  • Race Results
  • The Driver's race results are very important due to financial rewards for teams. It also affects the team coefficient.

  • Team Sponsors
  • Driver rating and charisma affects the direct income of the team from the sponsor deals.

  • Team Popularity
  • Team popularity represented by the team coefficient is directly affected by the driver rating and his charisma.

  • Car Development
  • A driver uses all his skills to help improve the car. This is important for the future of the team.

  • Employees Work Rate
  • A Driver works with the employees in various ways like developing the car and so on. Better man-management skills motivate employees to work harder.

3.2 Driver Contract

It is the responsibility of the team manager to prepare deals with drivers. By day 72, 18:00 CET of the season there must be at least 2 driver deals accepted by drivers prepared by the team manager.

The contract consists of a salary for the driver or a driver payment to the team for a driver seat. A Driver can also donate coins to the team as a part of the deal. All driver contracts are valid for one season.

It is possible to make changes to the driver contract during the season if the team manager and driver thinks so. However, signing bonuses are not possible to change. In this case the team manager and driver must contact The F1 Commissioner to accept changes.

A drivers ongoing contract cannot be cancelled during a season. If a team has signed a driver for the following season but that driver wishes to cancel the contract, then the F1 Commissioner will have to make a ruling on it. If the contract is cancelled, the team's contracts with next seasons sponsors and the signing bonus are also cancelled. The team can then sign a new driver and new sponsors for the following season. The team will be fined with a maximum of €2,000,000 for mismanagement, and the driver whose contract has been cancelled, will have 15 points Charisma deducted from their skill set.

  • Signing Bonus (Money)
  • This will be paid immediately by the team or driver when the driver accepts the team's contract offer.

  • Signing Bonus (Coins)
  • The team can pay a driver's manager coins for signing the driver to the team. This will be paid immediately when the driver accepts the team's contract offer.

  • Weekly Salary
  • The team pays the driver every Monday the agreed-upon amount of money.

  • Win Bonus
  • The team pays a win bonus to the driver if he/she wins the race.

  • Point Bonus
  • The team pays a point bonus to their driver if the driver earns race points.

  • Constructors Bonus
  • If an F1 team becomes Constructors Champions they pay a constructors bonus to their drivers from the prize money won.

3.3 Signing F1 Drivers

Formula 1 teams can sign a driver(s) at any point of a season. However each team needs to have 2 drivers signed before day 72, 18.00 CET in the previous season. If a team doesn't have the required 2 drivers signed at this point then the team will be disqualified from the Formula 1 Series.

  • The Top 50 rated drivers can receive a signing bonus over 500,000€.
  • The Top 100 rated drivers can receive a signing bonus up to 500,000€.
  • Drivers outside the Top 200 need to pay at least 1M in order to secure a seat in an F1 team.
  • The F1 Commissioner may allow drivers to race for their team without payment in some situations. For example, drivers who drop out of the Top 100 or 200 rankings whilst driving for the one team.

4 Team Finances

Team finances are the most important part of team management. Practically, money is everything. Driver contracts, sponsors, car development budget, facilities, employee salaries and so on.

The total income of the team is expected to be between 20 and 50 million.

4.1 Budget Before First Season

Every team is purchased for a certain amount of coins. The more coins paid, should mean a better start position for a team, therefore the budget at the beginning is higher for more expensive teams. Budget ranges are 45 million for the cheapest team and 60 million for the most expensive team. Weighted average is used to calculate other team budgets. If the cheapest team is purchased for more than 75% of the most expensive team price, then the starting budget will be higher than 45 million.

4.2 Sponsor Deals

Sponsor deals are very important. Every team can sign up to 3 major sponsors for the whole season and up to 3 minor sponsors signed for a shorter period. Estimated income from sponsors is between 20 and 30 million per season.

Sponsor deals depend on many things. Team coefficient which represents team popularity, quality of hired PR managers, ratings of the drivers, charisma of the drivers and the number of team supporters.

The team supporters are users from the game who are fans the team. He does not have to be an owner of the team but is more valuable if he has high experiences. Every user can be fan of just 1 team so it is a challenge for team owners and manager to attract more users as fans. This shows the wider range of a teams popularity

Teams can accept sponsors for the following season anytime they wish during the current season and receive signing bonuses from those sponsors immediately. However, at the end of the season teams have better chances to receive better sponsors as drivers are signed and team ratings are likely higher.

4.3 Financial Rewards

Similar to real F1, the best teams in the Constructors Championship are rewarded. Here the Top 10 teams are rewarded with 10 million for the winning team down to 1 million for the 10th placed team.

4.4 Donation to a team

Any user who has a driver with a rating over 200.000 in the game can donate some of their in-game funds to any of the F1 teams. Each team can receive a maximum of €5,000,000 per season, and donations are only accepted during Week 11 for the following season. The only exception to this is for drivers who have signed for the new season. They can donate as they sign a contract, but their donations still go towards the allocated €5,000,000.

4.5 Donating voting points

Users can also donate their voting points to any team of their choosing. At the end of the season, donated voting points are automatically exchanged to in-game money for the teams. The team that receives the most voting points will receive €3,000,000, whilst the rest of the teams earn points depending on how many they received compared to the team that received the most. For example, a team that received half as many voting points will receive €1,500,000. Voting points can also be carried over into future seasons if the minimum target set by teams is not achieved.

Voting points can also be earned here, and they can also be exchanged by managers for coins with a small fee going to MRC.

4.6 Negative Balance

If an F1 team goes into negative balance then the game engine sets limits for the team's financial transactions and the team gets daily fee for it. Daily fee is 5% and it will be counted from team negative balance. The team cannot do the following while in negative balance:

  • No possibility to renew employee contracts
  • No possibility to start new car projects
  • No possibility to upgrade facilities
  • No possibility to use commercial department tasks which need money.

5 Team Facilities

Every team needs a place to operate. There are various facilities where team employees spends time during work or after work. Some facilities help building a better car, while others help to run the team better.

  • Team Headquarters
  • This is the main team building where most of the teams employees works. It consists of offices, meeting rooms and so on. Better headquarters improve the productivity of the team employees and also makes a good impression to team visitors.

  • Research & Development Center
  • To gain a competitive advantage, every team must do its own research and develop better components for the car. The R&D Center is the place to do so.

  • Chassis Department
  • The most important part of the car developed merely by the team is the chassis. The Chassis department is the facility where development of that chassis takes the place.

  • Engine Department
  • It is not necessary for the team to build its own engine. But once the team decides to do so this facility is essential.

  • Workshop
  • The Workshop is where the cars are built. The quality of this facility affects the quality of the built cars - racing cars and models for wind tunnel.

  • CAD Network
  • The Computer-aided Design Network helps your car design team to work with better efficiency. It provides better precision and also a simulation of a designed parts performance.

  • CAM Network
  • The Computer-aided Manufacturing Network helps your workshop staff to build better quality cars. It provides better precision for parts building and also improves the manufacturing speed.

  • Wind Tunnel
  • The Wind tunnel is the right place to test the aerodynamic performance of the proposed cars. Better wind tunnels allows testing of bigger models which means better results.

  • Testing Rig
  • This is where engineers can test the fully built car in real track conditions.

  • Employee Club
  • Employees need rest after work so they don`t lose motivation to work the next day. This is where team managers bring potential sponsors.

  • Team Museum
  • The Museum improves popularity of a team with a long and successful history. It gives a good impression to potential sponsors too.

5.1 Sell Facility

F1 teams are able to sell their facilities if they feel that they have made a mistake when they originally built them. Facilities are categorised as either primary or regular facilities. Primary and regular facilities have separate rules if they are to be sold.

5.1.1 Primary Facilities

Primary facilities are:- Chassis department, engine department and research & development center.

  • Part Quality Downgrading
  • -Maximum allowed part quality after downgrading facility from level 5 to level 4 is 80%

    -Maximum allowed part quality after downgrading facility from level 4 to level 3 is 61%

    -Maximum allowed part quality after downgrading facility from level 3 to level 2 is 43%

    -Maximum allowed part quality after downgrading facility from level 2 to level 1 is 26%

    -Maximum allowed part quality after downgrading facility from level 1 to level 0 is 10%

    -If the part has lower quality than limit set in the above, then the 0.95 coefficient will be used to downgrade the part. For example - if you downgrade R&D LvL 4 to LvL 3 and you have cooling with quality of 50%, then the quality will be lowered to 0.95*50% = 47.5%.

  • Upgrading facility again
  • Parts will not be improved later when teams build the level back.

  • Potential
  • Potential of the parts will stay the same so they can be later upgraded.

  • Facility Refund
  • Refund of selling the facility is 60% of the construction price.

5.1.2 Regular Facilities

All regular facilities can be downgraded without restrictions. Teams will get 60% refund of the building cost.

NameLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
Team Headquarters1 000 000€
50 000€
5 Days
1 000 000€
100 000€
7 Days
1 000 000€
150 000€
10 Days
1 000 000€
200 000€
15 Days
1 000 000€
250 000€
20 Days
Employee Club200 000€
20 000€
3 Days
250 000€
40 000€
5 Days
300 000€
60 000€
7 Days
350 000€
80 000€
9 Days
400 000€
100 000€
12 Days
Team Museum300 000€
15 000€
3 Days
300 000€
30 000€
5 Days
300 000€
45 000€
7 Days
300 000€
60 000€
9 Days
300 000€
75 000€
12 Days
Research & Development Center1 000 000€
100 000€
5 Days
2 000 000€
200 000€
7 Days
3 000 000€
300 000€
10 Days
4 000 000€
400 000€
15 Days
5 000 000€
500 000€
20 Days
Chassis Department1 000 000€
100 000€
5 Days
2 000 000€
200 000€
7 Days
3 000 000€
300 000€
10 Days
4 000 000€
400 000€
15 Days
5 000 000€
500 000€
20 Days
Engine Department1 000 000€
100 000€
5 Days
2 000 000€
200 000€
7 Days
3 000 000€
300 000€
10 Days
4 000 000€
400 000€
15 Days
5 000 000€
500 000€
20 Days
Workshop1 000 000€
100 000€
5 Days
2 000 000€
200 000€
7 Days
3 000 000€
300 000€
10 Days
4 000 000€
400 000€
15 Days
5 000 000€
500 000€
20 Days
CAD Network500 000€
50 000€
2 Days
500 000€
60 000€
2 Days
500 000€
70 000€
2 Days
500 000€
80 000€
2 Days
500 000€
90 000€
2 Days
CAM Network500 000€
50 000€
2 Days
500 000€
60 000€
2 Days
500 000€
70 000€
2 Days
500 000€
80 000€
2 Days
500 000€
90 000€
2 Days
Testing Rig500 000€
25 000€
5 Days
500 000€
50 000€
5 Days
500 000€
75 000€
5 Days
500 000€
100 000€
5 Days
500 000€
125 000€
5 Days
Wind Tunnel1 000 000€
50 000€
3 Days
1 500 000€
75 000€
3 Days
2 000 000€
100 000€
3 Days
2 500 000€
125 000€
3 Days
3 000 000€
150 000€
3 Days

6 Employees

6.1 F1 Employees Roles

Every team needs employees to be able to operate. There are various employee positions in the team. All employees are divided into working teams and every team has different tasks.

  • Chief Designer
  • The Chief designer is responsible for all car part developments. He is responsible for all designers and their work. He is the most important person that affects how good your team`s car will be. He should be a good car designer and also should have good project manager skills. His designer skills affect the quality of the developed parts. If he has bad skill, his influence on the outcome might spoil the work of designers in the team. His project manager skills affects the work of the employees in all design teams under him. Good project managers can get the most out of his employees skills while poor project managers cannot prevent miscommunication and other troubles between his employees.

  • Chief Engineer
  • The Chief engineer is responsible for manufacturing the developed car parts. He is the leader of the engineering team which directly affects the reliability of the parts. They also prepare parts for testing during the parts development. His project manager skill is important for keeping his employees focused on work while his engineering, mechanic and design skills affect the outcome of the engineers work.

  • Chief Mechanic
  • The Chief mechanic is the leader of all the mechanics. He influences the co-operation of all mechanics which is a result of his project management skills, while he can do the mechanics work himself. In his case the mechanic skill is not necessary, although you may not need to pay for an extra employee if the Chief Mechanic is capable for mechanical tasks.

  • Chief Racing Engineer
  • The Chief racing engineer is the leader of all the racing engineers. He is responsible for both racing engineering teams and also for testing engineering. Their primary task is to analyze data from the track and to help set the best car setup for the driver. They are also vital in car development because their analysis from the track is important feedback for car designers. Again, the chief racing engineer uses his project manager skill to help his employees work better, while his race engineer skill is important for his own impact on the team`s results.

  • Chief Testing Engineer
  • The Chief testing engineer is an important person regarding car development. He works under the chief racing engineer while he leads all the racing engineers during car testing. He should be a good project manager, race engineer and also the design skills help with feedback for the design teams.

  • Chief Commercial Manager
  • The Chief commercial manager is an important person regarding team finances. He is the leader of all the commercial managers which means he should be a good project manager. He also directly influences the result of the commercial department with his PR skill which is a good for sponsor contracts and helps to build a good team image and popularity, which also affects sponsor offers.

  • Head Racing Engineer
  • There are two head racing engineers and two racing engineer teams. One for each car. That means every driver has services of the whole racing engineers team dedicated for his needs. The Head racing engineer is the leader of one such team so he needs good project manager skills and should also be a good racing engineer himself to guarantee good results of his team`s work.

  • Design Team Leader
  • There are three design team leaders possible with one design team for each of them. Every design team can only work on one project at a time so the whole team can work on 3 separate projects. The Design team leader works under the chief designer but still needs good project manager skills to get the most from his employees while also being a capable car designer himself.

  • Commercial Manager
  • The Commercial manager is an employee working under the chief commercial manager. He works on tasks scheduled for the commercial department and his primary needed skill is PR manager.

  • Designer
  • A Designer works in one of the three design teams on a desired project. His main required skill is car designer.

  • Engineer
  • An Engineer is an employee who works under the chief engineer and manufactures the car parts. Skills required for him are racing engineering, mechanic and design.

  • Race Engineer
  • A Racing engineer is an employee who works in one of the two racing engineering teams. He primarily uses his race engineer skill.

6.2 Employee Contracts

F1 teams can have employees in two ways. First is to hire employees normally and second is to use F1 shareholders/drivers employees.

Teams can hire their own employees to help team performances. To hire employees the team manager or assistant must first visit the team profile and then the team manager or assistant can go to the employee market and select employee(s) to hire.

Team managers can select 10 employees from the team shareholders/drivers to help the team performances. These 10 employees can be changed anytime the team managers wishes.

6.3 F1 Pitcrew

Every F1 team has their own pitcrew. Both drivers are use the same pitcrew. In F1 races drivers use the team's pitcrew instead of their own. Team managers choose the best possible pitcrew for the race.

7 Formula 1 Car

F1 teams develop their own cars for Formula 1 seasons. The game does not give default cars to Formula 1 teams.

7.1 Create Formula 1 Car

Teams can create their cars from scratch whenever they wish to do so. Teams should create the chassis before any aerodynamic parts otherwise those parts are not going to fit to the new chassis. Mechanical parts are not connected to the chassis and can therefore be created before or after chassis creation.

After the chassis is built the team receives basic aeroparts which are about half the quality to that of the chassis. Teams can use these parts, upgrade them or create totally new parts which are connected to the current chassis.

7.2 Upgrade Formula 1 Car

Team can upgrade every car part during the season if they wish to. There are no limits to upgrading parts except if the team uses a modified chassis and modified aeroparts from previous season.

7.3 Modify Car for Next Season

During the last week of the current season, a team can request to modify the old chassis if they cannot create a new one for next season. If a team chooses this option then there will be a 20% downgrade to their chassis. The system will generate new, standardised aeroparts for that chassis which will be roughly 50% of the quality of the chassis. These standardised aeroparts cannot be upgraded, but the team may then create new aeroparts afterwards.

7.4 Cancel Project

If the team is in a bad situation or made a mistake then they have the possibility to cancel some of the started projects. If a team cancels their project they will fail to complete the project, but will receive 90% of a refund of the project budget.

7.5 Suppliers

Suppliers must be selected before F1 series finalisation, which falls on the 72nd day of the season at 18.00 CET. Otherwise the system will automatically select the worst possible parts from the suppliers which are required. The system will also select the worst possible parts if a team's finances are in negative numbers and if the team has failed to select suppliers. Suppliers are not required if a team has produced parts by themselves.

7.6 F1 Engine

Modern Formula 1 engines consists of 4 main parts - Combustion Engine, MGU-K, MGU-H and Turbocharger. These parts are developed as separate project and then combined together in Engine department.

7.6.1 Engine Tuning

Key part of custom made engines is the possibility to tune the engine. There are 3 tuning parameters which basically describes how are the engine parts connected and synced. Using wrong parameters would decrease engine performance while using good parameters would increase engine power. Some parameters might give better maximum speed or acceleration, while others might give more to handling or braking. Also improving reliability of engine can be done at the cost of lower power. After setting the parameters results of the tuning will be known next morning.

7.6.2 Engine Analysis

Once tuning results are published team managers can check the details of each tuning. There is a comparison table where he can easily see the difference between this tuning parameters and previous tunings which gave best results on engine quality, maximum speed or other attributes.

7.6.3 Using the Engines

If manager is pleased with the tuning results he can save the engine and this saved engine will be available to use on the car. Different saved results can be switched at any time during the season so different engine specification can be used for different tracks.

7.6.4 Suppliers

Alternative strategy for the teams is to purchase engines from suppliers. The difference is that engines from suppliers are finished products and cannot be tuned.

8 More Information Resources

8.1 MyRacingCareer News

8.2 Tumblr Blog