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MyRacingCareer News

Vote: Best Movie About MyRacingCareer.com About a month ago we announced a best short movie about MyRacingCareer.com competition. We got your videos, and you can see them and vote for them now. Find out more in this article...
English English @ 2011-09-17
Back from Vacation Hello everybody, this is just a quick message to let you know that after 2 weeks I am back!
English English @ 2011-09-07
Next Two Weeks Hello everybody, today I just want to let you know that tomorrow I am going for a vacation and flipers is already on vacation from today. So don't expect many new things here during next two weeks. But prepare yourself for a huge improvements after that time :)
English English @ 2011-08-22
Competition: Movie About MyRacingCareer.com We want to make a lot of fun for you, so we are trying to find more ways how to do that :) This time we will try a competition where you can use all your creativity and computer skills...
English English @ 2011-08-10
Information about Formula 1 and Superlicense Hello once again. As every week we made a lot of improvements in the game, and there is just a few days left until Your Office screen launch. We only need translators to work hard now so you can see it in your language. But this time the article is going to be about something different...
English English @ 2011-08-04
News About Development 2011-07-24 Hello from... Bratislava... No exotic vacation yet :) But home is fine and that means I made some good improvement last week. Read more about that in this article.
English English @ 2011-07-25
News About Development 2011-07-15 Hello again. Last week was a tough one, I was not online for 5 days, so there was no development made during those days. The good news is that there were no problem with the game during that time :)
English English @ 2011-07-15
News About Development 2011-07-05 Hello, everybody! We have finished many new things lately, and we want to add some more soon :) Check this article for more interesting information about it...
English English @ 2011-07-05
First race On 27 June 2011 was an important date for the project. This started the first day of qualifying races RacingCareer.com.
English English @ 2011-06-28
News About Development 2011-06-20 Beta version launched! That is the only important news I want to tell you today. Read more info about what we want to do next in this article!
English English @ 2011-06-20
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Italiano NASC CaMex - Riverside 300
CatalĂ  Temporada 57, bon inici, millor final
Indonesia Permulaan ku di ajang balap Formula 4
Italiano Italiani nel mondo: Supercars Series
Italiano NASC CaMex Series - Eastbound 250
Italiano Italiani nel mondo: Superbformula Series
Italiano Formula 4 Finnish Series - Kemora
Nederlands Dirt(y) Racing Series
English Dirt(y) Racing Series
Italiano Italiani nel mondo: Euro Formula 3 Open Series