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Lady Luck

At a recent world oval race we set a different pit strategy than normal. We decided to pit as early as possible to get fresh sticker tyres . and after pitting for the first time it seemed our strategy would help get the car into the top ten making lap times a few seconds faster than anyone else.
And then Lady Luck decided to show up.
We have some friends at SkyTV that are video engineers and they showed us a replay .We were in 24th and the driver ahead of us cut the curb throwing some rocks at our car. You say so what,happens all the time.But in this case one of those rocks goes into the engine cooling vent severing a high pressure oil feed line and the engine pukes out all the oil in less than half a lap.
So there you go not only do you have to be good you need Lady Luck on your side too.

on 2013-04-10 05:19:31 by ArkAngel
Likes: 3 | Rating: 2.80
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Luck is an X-Factor

on 2013-04-10 16:39:17 by squaregatescrub - Likes: 0 | Score: 0.000

Very true. LUCK is a big factor in this business. Sad to hear what happened.

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