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English F3 Europe Series S03 After a memorable season, the Europe Series of Formula 3 are finally over. The winner was undecided until the very last lap of the last race and deserves all the credit for it's final position. Congratulations Roch Rochowski Jr.! After a 4 win str...
on 2013-02-10 17:57:32 by blazefp - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 6.47)
Nederlands Dutch Pride, RE: op naar de indy car Gefeliciteerd man, je houd de eer van Nederland hiermee zeer hoog!!!
on 2013-02-10 11:23:24 by vitaphone97 - 点赞: 1 | 等级分: 1.78)
English Jones looks to new car for Season 3 Alan Jones, S1 Australian F3 champion announced today his excitement as he prepares for a new car in Season 3. Jones said after his limited campaign of S2, he is excited to get a Formula 2 car. While there is no certainty of acceptance, Jones is adam...
on 2013-02-10 02:51:52 by FlyingFinn - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 4.94)
Suomi Ei mene hyvin Antti hietaisella ei mene hyvin.Antti taistelee lähinä sijoista 25-30 mutta on nähty muutakin.Antille on suunitteilla uusi parempi taktiikka jossa kulutetaan enemmän renkaita sekä mekaanisia osia.ja eilen Hietainen lähti ajo opistolle viideksi päiväk...
on 2013-02-09 18:44:04 by FaLeZ1229 - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 4.19)
中文 Xiaoxin Liu祝全球的华人华侨在新的一年里大吉大利,心想事成 今晚是中国的... Liu代表车队全...
on 2013-02-09 16:32:13 by lxfor123 - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 1.78)
Nederlands op naar de indy car waarschijnlijk dit jaar kampioen in de F2 van europa, volgend jaar de strijd aan met de top van de wereld in de indy...........Dutch proud!
on 2013-02-08 19:57:20 by bertie - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 3.51)
Italiano Con un occhio alla stagione 3! Manca poco più di una settimana alla fine della stagione 2 e ormai è tempo di fare bilanci. Infatti se con un occhio si guarda al futuro, con l'altro, e forse anche qualcosa in più, si guarda al presente più che mai roseo per Morese. Con la matemati...
on 2013-02-08 15:59:08 by FAlonso - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 3.57)
English Black Swan, the italian challenge at Indy Series "Black Swan" is the name of the first italian team applied in the highest competition of MRC, the Indy Series. Mark L. Rivers, team principal, released the following comments acceding this morning at his office: "It's an ambitious chal...
on 2013-02-08 09:33:46 by MarkLRivers - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 3.47)
Italiano Black Swan, la sfida italiana al tetto del mondo E' "Black Swan" il nome con il quale l'Italia si affaccia per la prima volta alla massima competizione nel mondo di My Racing Career. I vertici della scuderia hanno fatto recapitare la loro iscrizione alla Indy Series questa mattina presso ...
on 2013-02-08 09:21:33 by MarkLRivers - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 3.57)
Deutsch David Sommer erreicht Ziele! David Sommer erreicht sein erstes Zeil und kommt im Training überraschnend weit nach vorne. Nur 0.5 Sekunden trennen den Rookie zum führenden!
on 2013-02-06 12:54:35 by Dave1 - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 1.78)
Suomi FIA tutkii haamukuljettajaa FIA on Zaan Todin johdolla ihmeissään miten Samppa Linna kykenee tänään ajamaan kahdet aika-ajot samaan aikaan eri maissa. Moni jo epäilee että kyseessä on F1 Mercedes-tallin käyttämä vilunkipeli mainoskuvauksissa, jossa kuljettajan sijainen käyttää...
on 2013-02-05 20:26:04 by Ande81 - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 2.87)
Suomi Piriápolis. Nopeus riittää, taktiikka ei Nuori lupaus, Samuel Loimusalo räväytti Piriápoliksen aika-ajossa viidenneksi 0,745 sekunnin erolla voittaneeseen Grosjeaniin. Tämä tiesi hyvää ajatellen aiempia performansseja kilpailuissa, mutta toisin kävi. Perjantain lyhyessä kilpailussa kierr...
on 2013-02-03 23:24:29 by looni - 点赞: 1 | 等级分: 1.78)
English Muzzio & Prosciutton ... ...are the future of "My Racing Career"! That's right, it's now clear that these two guys are the riders to beat and the various Grosjean, De Montferrand, Poucette, Novikov, Mazzola are no longer afraid. In these days we are witnessing...
on 2013-02-03 23:04:05 by Spurn21 - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 5.24)
Español comenzamos hola a todos desde la coruña nace una estrella
on 2013-02-03 10:08:30 by albertomanti - 点赞: 0 | 等级分: 0.00)
English 1st Season review Tim “Hollywood”Richmond makes these remarks about his 1st Season. “I am happy we are starting to consistently finish on the lead lap . We had some top 5 grid positions and even some top 5 finishes . Heck at Surfers Paradise we finish on the 3rd step...
on 2013-02-02 16:25:56 by ArkAngel - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 2.67)
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