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English New driver Jarrad Brown from Down under enters Formula 3 Melbourne based driver Jarrad Brown has signed with us for the 2014 Forumla Championship. The reigning Formula 3 Open Champion will compete for the first time with the British squad. The 18-year-old has also competed in Formula Renault 2.0 Euro and N...
on 2014-01-10 08:49:56 by dawi03 - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 3.26)
Español Mejorías en Duff Rojo Duff Rojo está haciendo muy interesantes progresos. En su última carrera largó 21° y llegó 14°. Pronto va a llegar a suceder a los más grandes pilotos, como Esteban Guerrieri o Facundo Regalía.
on 2014-01-10 01:19:52 by duff1 - 点赞: 0 | 等级分: 0.00)
Italiano Analisi dopo la 1a stagione Dopo un periodo di ambientamento nel settore delle corse, Davide Basilico sta dando prova di se sul palcoscenico nazionale e mondiale. Il pilota in questo momento si sta comportando in modo eccellente con alcune prestazioni sopra le aspettative nell...
on 2014-01-09 12:44:38 by SirDrake - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 2.56)
Русский Ф2 Южная Америка. Старт Как вы уже догадались по заголовку статьи, мой пилот в этом сезоне решил сменить прописку, и теперь выступает в Южноамерик... серии формулы 2. Причин такому решению было множество, но в основном конечно это то, что после двух сезонов в Азии, захотело...
on 2014-01-09 10:24:53 by Nightwolf13 - 点赞: 8 | 等级分: 12.41)
Čeština 1.Československý klan má již svoje stránky Před nějakou dobou jsem se hráče deka96 ptal, jestli se uvažuje o zakládání klanů tak, jak je tomu vě většině online her. Bohužel, ač se na tom pracuje, bude ještě nějakou blíže nezpecifikovanou dobu trvat, než se dočkáme vytváření "závodnických...
on 2014-01-09 09:33:01 by sparky9101 - 点赞: 8 | 等级分: 12.52)
English Road Rage Mag Correction Well it seems like there was a printer mistake, yes that's it, it was in no way a human error that the INDY WORLD SERIES drivers never showed up in the actual series breakdown! This however had no effect in the series breakdown. We here by apologi...
on 2014-01-08 17:39:00 by Tigerman - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 1.69)
English New Season, old winners Into to the new season there were a lot of surprises about the ongoing British Formula 3 Series. Right from the start Ben Solo won the first race and scored a 3rd on sundays's race in Brands Hatch. Surprised? - No, we neither. More astonishing res...
on 2014-01-08 12:57:35 by Bullet - 点赞: 6 | 等级分: 7.81)
English Road Rage Mag Intro: Sup fools! Road Rage will be a magazine that will not be limited to the popular driver articles, or limited to racing stories, it will try to be an all around magazine that can preety much talk about everything sports related or not. Most dire...
on 2014-01-08 04:49:31 by Tigerman - 点赞: 9 | 等级分: 11.82)
English Gregor McBeth considering move to Indy Car British driver Gregor McBeth manager has announced that the british driver is considering a move to indy car, It is most likely that Gregor will create his own team. Gregor McBeth has been racing for a year and has raced in a 114 races only picking u...
on 2014-01-07 20:30:00 by gregormcbeth - 点赞: 0 | 等级分: 0.00)
Italiano ONLY THE BRAVE! Ma io mica ci sono ;)
on 2014-01-07 19:22:51 by Braveheart - 点赞: 0 | 等级分: 0.00)
Deutsch ZachSpeed Racing gut in die NASC Saison gestartet [Pittsburgh, PA] - Im US-Headquarter von ZachSpeed Racing Ltd. zieht man nach den ersten sieben Rennen der NASC Gold Cup Series ein positives Fazit. Zwar wurmen Teamchef Timo Zachariae die zwei Ausfälle schon, dabei lindern zwei Top-10 Ergebnisse abe...
on 2014-01-07 17:55:08 by USSFSteeler - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 6.54)
Italiano NASCAR BOH Io ancora non c'ho capito nulla.
on 2014-01-07 15:13:32 by AirtonPenna - 点赞: 1 | 等级分: 1.72)
Slovenčina Smútok Tak ahojte, tí ktorý tu ešte aspoň sem tam zájdete :) Je smutné že na fóre ani cez správy sa nikto nezúčastňuje :( Tak ukážte mi tí, ktorý tu ste že tu ste a môžeme zorganizovať aj nejaké súťaže :) Ale musia tu byť aktívny manažéri :) To je od...
on 2014-01-07 14:08:35 by verik31 - 点赞: 1 | 等级分: 1.66)
Italiano NASCAR SI Una serie di tutti ovali, cosa volere di più... magari anche la indy fosse stata così XD Only the brave!!
on 2014-01-07 13:36:16 by ciccioz - 点赞: 0 | 等级分: 0.00)
Italiano Nascar NO Secondo me è fatta malino, vince il random e poco altro ;)
on 2014-01-07 12:28:49 by Hakudoshi - 点赞: 0 | 等级分: 0.00)
1 ... 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 ... 843