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Español Asociacion Argentina de Pilotos El nuevo Presidente de la Federacion Argentina de Pilotos quiere agradecer a todos los que confiaron en el y a los que no, decirles que no los defraudará y cualquier duda, consulta o consejo será bienvenido. No se olviden del grupo de Facebook. Cualq...
on 2016-02-02 01:19:42 by Titoc84 - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 5.08)
English One Last Go... After his recent switch from SEAT to Honda, Kasey Hilton has decided to announce that Season 17 will be his last season in ETCC and motorsports overall. The decision comes after the last season in which he felt his performance was dropping. "I w...
on 2016-02-02 00:30:45 by mach5 - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 3.20)
English You Need To Know .. Damian Polwicz 1. 1st time Full Season (MyRacingCareer) 2. 1st time Full F3 Series (Czechoslovakian Series) GOOD LUCK to DamianPolwicz !
on 2016-02-01 18:29:29 by DamianPoland - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 7.63)
English International Single Race Cup (ISRC) - Provisional start list (still you can join!) Provisional start list: 5 Andreas Dovalinsky - Slovakia 7 Richard Nebesky jr. - Czech Republic 3 Noemi Bachmayer - Hungary 77 Robert Spinette - Belgium 88 Leonard McCoy - Ireland 55 Thomas Anderson - Canada 27 Paolo Gil Villanova - Italy 19...
on 2016-02-01 17:30:03 by olilongi777 - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 8.39)
Español Nicolás Carrasco se convierte en el presidente de la Asociación Española de Automovilismo. Una gran participación (38 personas frente a las 41 de la pasada temporada) votaron a lo largo de la pasada semana en las elecciones para presidente en España. Sólo 3 candidatos, uno de ellos el secretario de la pasada temporada, nicorz y dos "r...
on 2016-02-01 17:16:46 by nicorz - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 4.52)
Español Albert Llovera competirá en la NASCAR Series El piloto Albert Llovera correrá en la Nascar Series durante la temporada 17 de myRacingCareer dentro del equipo Wygo Racing. Será el rookie en esta estructura francesa con el objetivo de ser el mejor rokkie en la categoría. Se decide correr esta ser...
on 2016-02-01 14:13:05 by motorsportdavid - 点赞: 6 | 等级分: 9.88)
Português [F1] A WAR revela o seu carro para a época 17 O carro aposta numa maior presença do verde e negro, reduzindo as áreas brancas. Pretendeu-se, com este design, dotar visualmente o carro de um ar mais possante e mais jaguar.
on 2016-02-01 12:55:16 by toturi - 点赞: 14 | 等级分: 22.13)
English [F1] WAR reveals livery for Season 17 The new livery will feature more green and black, reducing the white presence in the car, giving it a more powerful and jaguar look.
on 2016-02-01 12:53:00 by toturi - 点赞: 13 | 等级分: 20.36)
Slovenščina Sezonske serije, Sezona 17 Pred dnevi so se zaključile prijave v sezonske serije za sezono 17. Tudi v tej sezoni bo več Slovencev aktivnih v različnih serijah, in sicer: Formula 1: Dare Klun, ekipa Audi Indy Junior USA: Milan Zakrajšek Nairo Lauda ETCS: Matic Krsn...
on 2016-02-01 12:14:18 by Darac - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 2.47)
Italiano Presentazione OMR S17 Inizia la nuova stagione di Formula 1 e come ogni anno inizia il valzer di presentazione delle nuove vetture che competeranno per la vittoria dell'iride mondiale. Il team Odissea Martini Racing quest'anno porta la sua nuova auto con telaio T17 e mot...
on 2016-02-01 11:31:09 by AlessioPasquali - 点赞: 11 | 等级分: 18.73)
Deutsch Start in ein neues Leben - Emma Schneider gibt Gas Es ist soweit. Emma Schneider hat die ersten Schritte in ihrer Rennfahrerkarriere getan, ein erstes Rennen absolviert, den ersten Sponsorenvertrag unterzeichnet und ist bereit, den Weg nach oben anzutreten. Viele Beobachter waren sich nach dem Renne...
on 2016-02-01 10:38:14 by Schnuederlue - 点赞: 6 | 等级分: 10.09)
Čeština Zhodnocení sezony A1GP part.2 aka podržtaška útočí Nápodobně bych rád poděkoval prezidentovi a všem jezdcům kteří se loňské sezony účastnili. Tiskovka o výsledcích posledního týdne nebude protože to FBednar už shrnul. Doufám že jste si jezdení za nároďák užili. Ti co už teď jezdit nemůžou pracujte d...
on 2016-02-01 09:29:10 by wandaL - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 7.88)
English Nations Cup Season 4 This season ended in drama... The best country is: National Motorsport Association of Italy followed by Russian Grand-Prix Organization This two great Nations were separated by only 2 points(3827 vs 3825). Third place: Portugal Racing Team...
on 2016-02-01 09:16:27 by RobertGrager - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 7.82)
Slovenščina Rekordno leto V pokalu Držav smo s skupnimi močmi zasedli enverjetno 19 mest in zbrali 636 točk. In najbolj zaslužni za tako dober rezultat so: Položaj 50 za Slovenija M. Zakrajšek s 245 točkami. Položaj 59 za Slovenija A. Ožbolt s 207 točkami. Položaj 129 za ...
on 2016-02-01 09:08:17 by RobertGrager - 点赞: 1 | 等级分: 1.57)
Suomi Dimas De Mellon ihme Tällä hetkellä McLarenin akatemiassa ajava Alex Murphy, on antamassa hyviä näyttöjä McLarenin tiimille ja näyttöjen antaminen kirkastui, kun Murphy voitti Dimas De Mellossa ajettavan pikakisan. Osakilpailuvoitto oli Murphyn toinen urallaan. Kis...
on 2016-02-01 08:00:19 by Formulast4ra - 点赞: 13 | 等级分: 13.25)
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