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我们使用Cookie来改善您的游戏体验并分析我们的流量。 我们还会与我们的社交媒体,广告和合作伙伴分享您使用我们网站的信息。
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Deutsch Africa, Africa Nach dem Erfolg in der Formula 3 Central European Series und dem knappen Sieg durch eine tadellose Leistung im letzten Rennen warten nun neue Aufgaben: Africa! Die Formula 3 Africa Series verspricht neue, unbekannte Strecken und einen gänzlich ander...
on 2018-05-29 12:33:28 by JohnnyDoe - 点赞: 1 | 等级分: 1.91)
English World GT Calendar Last season I was involved in the discussion involving changes in the calendar that could make World GT Series even more interesting. I think that changes that were made were a step in right direction, however I still think there is room for impro...
on 2018-05-29 11:57:05 by toxic - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 7.26)
Italiano Consonni approda nella F3 Italian Series La serie Italiana di F3 ha preso il via da pochi giorni e si guarda con gran curiosità alla griglia. Nell’articolo precedente abbiamo già coperto le considerazioni sui grandi nomi come gli Italiani Andrea Cannas, Biagio Cairone o Cristian Alonso, ma ...
on 2018-05-29 10:07:11 by Winthorp - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 5.18)
Português, Brasil Brasil na T28 Mais uma temporada se inicia e os brasileiros depois de muitas análises, consultas, cálculos...... com a idéia de se firmar ainda mais no topo do top100, ficaram distribuídos da seguinte forma: INDY Jeff Senna kiki Souza NASC Roger Relamp...
on 2018-05-29 02:58:59 by FlavioMarçal - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 3.32)
Français nouveau bonjour a tous j'attaque cette nouvelle saison que j'espere sympa enfin avec des victoires pour moi lol a tous bonne saison
on 2018-05-28 21:06:15 by herves - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 5.43)
Slovenčina Nový smer, alebo cesta do záhuby? Dnes bol vymenovaný nový Prezident SAMŠ Je to ale však velice podivné, že Hellyeah dostal podporu ostatných hráčov pri jeho velice rýchlom Comebacku. Bude to v poriadku, alebo nie? Ako sme spomínali v titulke, Hellyeah nebol najobľúbenejší z pomed...
on 2018-05-28 20:00:51 by Hellyeah - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 6.17)
Español Temporada 28 Iniciamos está nueva temporada con la presentación de la nueva imagen de los coches con los patrocinadores principales: Martini, Bon Area y Monster. Part... en está temporada 28 en las Formula 3 Spanish Series que dan comienzó en el circuit de...
on 2018-05-28 19:26:46 by jorka10 - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 2.63)
Nederlands Nieuw seizoen, nieuwe kansen!! Hoi managers, allereerst wil ik jullie bedanken om mij weer te kiezen voor president. Dit seizoen gaan we door op dezelfde manier als vorig seizoen. Dus als iemand op een bepaald circuit wilt rijden ivm ervaring daar, laat het dan even weten op het f...
on 2018-05-28 16:46:05 by Robbiemanta - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 6.44)
Nederlands Vers bloed in de Dutch series Eindelijk is het zover. Sjaak Spek mag voor het eerst rijden in de F3 Dutch series! Vorige seizoen in de rookie series begonnen, waar hij als 54e is geëindigd, nu dan een serieuze serie. Sjaak hoopt in zijn eerste seizoen een paar keer bij in de top ...
on 2018-05-28 15:56:11 by wolfar - 点赞: 1 | 等级分: 1.65)
English Porsche Racing looking for S29 driver! As the title itself suggests, Porsche Racing is looking for a driver for season 29. Here's what Porsche Racing is offering for next season: - Completely new chassis and aero parts (higher quality as in S28) - New engine - Help with setup and ta...
on 2018-05-28 08:49:00 by Darac - 点赞: 19 | 等级分: 30.86)
Čeština CZ/SK Cup S27 unlimited " Kdo měl úspěch a kdo pohřeb? " Další ročník této tradiční série je i pro sezonu S27 opět u konce. Vcelku v těsném rozestupu zvítězil celou sérii Václav , který ho stíhal druhý Luke Kadeřábků a těsně za ním dojel Danoš. takže gratuluji moc kluci, krásný boj až do konce jste...
on 2018-05-27 14:32:27 by Ludwei - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 8.74)
English Albert Zwueste accepted! to the f3 World Series Rookie Albert Zwueste has been accepted to take part in the Formula 3 World Series. - After a decent show at the f3 Europe Series, Albert and his team are ready to take on the big leagues. - It won't be easy but we'll train and practice ruthlessl...
on 2018-05-26 02:14:10 by AlbertJrZwueste - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 5.65)
Indonesia Hady Resmi Bergabung F3 World Series Musim Depan Pembalap muda, Rafa Hady resmi menjadi peserta F3 World Series musim depan, hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh manajer humas, Lucien Steegmans, "Hady ikut F3 World Series, awalnya mau ke NASC tapi setelah banyak melakukan rapat bersama manajer da...
on 2018-05-26 01:35:58 by VivantSuryaMathar - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 2.62)
Italiano Supercar - Luce si aggiudica il titolo La stagione, che ormai è alle porte, ha visto C.Luce trionfare nella supercar serie. Oltre 300 punti di vantaggio sul suo inseguitore più vicino. In 36 gare possono sembrare pochi ma in realtà non lo sono vista la poca differenza tra una posizione e...
on 2018-05-25 22:44:00 by CarmineLuce - 点赞: 6 | 等级分: 10.36)
Português, Brasil E chega ao fim mais um emocionante Campeonato Brasileiro P3 E mais uma edição do Campeonato Brasileiro de Turismo terminou de forma emocionante. A estrela em ascensão Luiz Thomazini, após 3 vitórias seguidas e a liderança do campeonato, conseguiu largar a frente do principal concorrente, Relâmpago. A po...
on 2018-05-25 17:39:35 by DiogoSchwinn - 点赞: 8 | 等级分: 14.70)
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