Racing in the streets for Bruce (for U18)
Hey Rookers,
this is for us.
A tribute to Bruce Springsteen in these Covid19 days.
Although we are forced to stay home, we can sing and dream that "the time is right for racing in the street".
This is a song of hope and faith in these C...
on 2020-04-03 20:22:46 by chia99
点赞: 4
等级分: 3.94)
Moto E - Stagione chiusa anzitempo
La Terza stagione di Moto E, una delle novità degli ultimi anni, sta per concludersi, mancano le ultime 3 gara, ma il titolo si sa già a chi pilota sarà assegnato.
Con quasi 100 punti di vantaggio Luce si aggiudica matematicamente il campionato. Non...
on 2020-04-03 17:12:44 by CarmineLuce
点赞: 6
等级分: 9.38)
Moto 1 Power Rankings - Japan
Hi fellas, have the current Moto 1 Power Rankings set. You can check the standing bellow.
Moto 1 Power Rankings:
on 2020-04-02 20:05:03 by Tigerman
点赞: 0
等级分: 0.00)
wF1P Standings - United States GP Update
Another GP completed. Bellow the updated wF1P standings. We have a new leader!
The average wF1P = 4.03
The average driver value = 1 611 753,26 €
on 2020-04-02 19:13:31 by Tigerman
点赞: 4
等级分: 7.06)
POS____________Coureur _______PTS __ WINS
1. Nederla... Van der Star___689_____3
... _______J Marco________669____... Masbou_______527____... B Hernandes____491____... _______A Deschamps____458____... ziet het goed,
Boris van der star hee...
on 2020-04-01 14:59:27 by wollie999
点赞: 2
等级分: 3.63)
Fin de semana desastroso para Abraham Lapuerta en Cheste
Quedar sólo cuarto en entrenamientos después de haber conseguido unas cuantas poles este año presagiaba como iban a ir las carreras.
En la primera carrera, después de salir mal y perder tres puestos, Abraham cometió un error y se quedó en la puzol...
on 2020-04-01 09:59:58 by zupox
点赞: 4
等级分: 7.46)
[BR21] Classificação 12/16
1º Luiz Thomazini, 217 pontos
2º Asdrubal Pinto, 201.5 pontos
2º Rafael Drummond, 201.5 pontos
4º Alex Reis, 190.5 pontos
5º Juca Macieira II, 188 pontos
6º Karina Sette, 169 pontos
7º Bernardo Reckziegel, 167 pontos
8º Helio da Mat...
on 2020-03-31 04:13:22 by jeansapia
点赞: 1
等级分: 1.95)
Moto 1 Power Rankings - Aragon
Hi everyone, you can read the intro to the Moto 1 Power Rankings in the World Wide forum.
This is how it currently stands:
Moto 1 Power Rankings:
on 2020-03-30 19:29:21 by Tigerman
点赞: 4
等级分: 7.54)
Pohár národů S36 8.týden " Bod varu"
Náš tým se dostává do bodu varu když nám pomalu utíká Polsko s odstupem 97 bodů. Což není žádná hrůza. Musíme se na to podívat objektivně. Do konce sezóny nám zbývají tři týdny, což je 12 závodů za týden, takže ještě můžeme nasbírat body s 36-ti závo...
on 2020-03-30 11:25:31 by Ludwei
点赞: 4
等级分: 7.43)
wF1P Standings - Japan GP Update
Another GP completed, let's see how the wFP1 standing are shaping up after a race where the weather played its part in the final results.
wF1P Current Standings:
The average wF1P = 3.80
The average driver value = 1 438 246,55 €
on 2020-03-30 01:17:01 by Tigerman
点赞: 2
等级分: 3.78)
New names candidates of racers
After Nabrak Kambing decide to retire due to their underwhelming minds, (not their performances, their performances was overwhel) they decide to announce bids for new name of racers for the next season. (Either 37 or 38) They are:
Sayuri Gabrielly-R...
on 2020-03-28 18:15:14 by NavelPossession14045
点赞: 1
等级分: 1.95)
wF1P Standings (16 GPs Raced)
Hi everyone, the introduction to this statistic can be found in the World Wide Forum in the thread named "wF1P thread". Check it out to understand what this is, and if you have suggestions or something else to say.
wF1P Current Standings...
on 2020-03-28 17:23:07 by Tigerman
点赞: 5
等级分: 9.56)
Vidmar vse bližje naslovu
Za slovenskim dirkačem v Formuli E je nadvse uspešna sezona, saj je Blažu Vidmarju do sedaj uspelo vseh enajst dirk končati med prvo peterico in od tega le ene dirke ni zaključil na stopničkah. Tako ni presenetljivo, da si je pred najbližjim zasledov...
on 2020-03-28 08:59:36 by Clunker
点赞: 4
等级分: 7.62)
Formula 1:
Konec sezone v Formuli 1 je vse bližje, saj je pred nami samo še pet dirke. Kljub temu, da si je Asdrubal Pinto že nabral praktično neulovljivo prednost, pa bodo preostale dirke še zelo zanimive. Boj za prestali dve mesti na stopničkah bo tako neizpr...
on 2020-03-28 07:27:45 by torbar4life
点赞: 5
等级分: 9.56)
Asdrubal Pinto pewnie zmierza po mistrzostwo F1 World Series, czyli sytuacja po GP Rosji
Do końca sezonu pozostaje jeszcze 5 wyścigów, ale wydaje się, że nic już nie odbierze tytułu (drugiego z rzędu) Brazylijczykowi Asdrubalowi Pinto, który ma na koncie 6 startów z pole position, 11 wizyt na podium, z czego 5 razy na jego najwyższym sto...
on 2020-03-26 20:15:10 by mpluta2
点赞: 10
等级分: 19.01)