WAR-EC Road Atlanta
It's all over in Atlanta. The top two in the standings were the top two in this race as well, and the time gap between the two remains pretty much the same, roughly 17 seconds separating the two in what as been a great battle. The gap for the next dr...
on 2020-06-08 13:52:36 by Tigerman
点赞: 2
等级分: 3.88)
First Win for Young Hotshot
Mark Davidson has enjoyed a relatively positive debut season in the F3 British Series including 4 podiums. However despite some relatively good pace his first series win had eluded him, until today. Starting second on the grid for the feature race at...
on 2020-06-07 23:30:05 by Dobbi
点赞: 5
等级分: 7.52)
Cronaca del 10Way Division A - Sesta Tornata - Cartagena - Si rianimano i talenti azzurri
Non è facile questo resoconto: l'Italia è andata molto meglio di quanto la classifica di tappa dica, una classifica che vede i piloti azzurri al terzo posto dietro alla Repubblica Ceca e alla Spagna e davanti al Portogallo e ai "ragionieri"...
on 2020-06-07 22:26:18 by chia99
点赞: 5
等级分: 8.36)
Moto 1 Power Rankings - Austrian & British GP
Here we go folks, another fresh Power Rankings Moto 1 release. ;)
on 2020-06-07 18:56:37 by Tigerman
点赞: 2
等级分: 3.80)
F3Europe Hockenheim
The first race of the F3 European Challenge started with Hockenheim,Germany for the first round! A double race seen a very exciting two races. Let's get into it!
Race One
The first race was a very exciting one, all drivers fighting to the end and...
on 2020-06-07 17:53:11 by JustAlesio
点赞: 6
等级分: 8.64)
Ez igen
Ez aztán egy rövid, tömör összefoglaló. :)
Hány százalékra van beállítva a mechanikai aggreszivítás?
on 2020-06-06 18:47:52 by AntonioCoimbra
点赞: 1
等级分: 1.96)
Formula E: konec serije
Z dirko v Rimu se je z okvaro dirkalnika končal niz sedemnajstih zaporednih stopničk Blaža Vidmarja.
Za odstop je bila devet krogov pred koncem dirke usodna okvara motorja, ki je s tem najverjetneje preprečila zmago Vidmarja. Z novo zmago Vidmarja...
on 2020-06-06 14:17:22 by Clunker
点赞: 4
等级分: 7.67)
WAR-EC Watkins Glen
Race #6 is over, and was one of the...will it rain or will it dry...races. During the race some decisions had to be made, should we change to dry tires or keep wets on and vice versa. With few laps to go Novikov seemed to have chosen best by staying ...
on 2020-06-06 12:16:16 by Tigerman
点赞: 3
等级分: 5.73)
Formula 1: "več istega"
Prvenstvo Formule 1 je z dirko v Monzi zaključilo drugo tretjino sezone, a stvari se niso bistveno spremenile.
Novikov še vedno ostaja v vodstvu in tudi Red Bullova dirkača mu še vedno ostajata tesno za petami. Med prvimi dirkači je samo osem točk...
on 2020-06-06 12:15:04 by torbar4life
点赞: 4
等级分: 7.67)
Pohár národů S37 6.týden - Útok na lepší pozice
Vítám všechny čtenáře mého týdenního přehledu z dění v Poháru národů. Minulý týden byl již 6. v pořadí a shodou náhod nám před tímto týdnem patřila i stejná pozice v celkovém pořadí národů s menší ztrátou na TOP 5.
Tento týden započala ve finském ...
on 2020-06-05 19:09:47 by Koruzi
点赞: 4
等级分: 7.35)
Cronaca del 10Way Division A - Quinta Tornata - Vincono i ragionieri a Jerez
Sono in ritardo sulla cronaca e ho già letto sul forum dell’amarezza della squadra italiana. E allora inizio subito col ricordare che bisogna continuare a lottare, posizione su posizione, con determinazione e tenacia. “Non abbiate paura” come diceva ...
on 2020-06-05 15:20:51 by chia99
点赞: 6
等级分: 10.18)
Van der star schitterd op Okayama
B. Van der Star heeft na een geweldige race de eerste overwinning in de series binnen. Koploper A. Vollgas had in het begin van de race problemen met de bandenspanning waardoor hij genoodzaakt was een vroege pitstop te maken. Boris daarentegen vertro...
on 2020-06-05 14:08:49 by wollie999
点赞: 3
等级分: 5.64)
Das Warten hat ein Ende
Es ist die vierte Saison in der NASCAR für Andreas Ritter, wo er inzwischen 130 Rennen lang auf einen Sieg warten musste. Am gestrigen Donnerstagabend, im 131. Rennen und ausgerechnet auf dem Hochgeschwindigkeitsoval in Michigan sollte sich das lange...
on 2020-06-05 11:26:05 by Schnuederlue
点赞: 6
等级分: 11.16)
WAR-EC Le Mans
We've reached halfway point of the WAR-EC. And we had another tight race in Le Mans, time gaps for those that finished ended up not being big because the race ended under SC. But we had a bit of everything happening, from crashed to mechanical failur...
on 2020-06-04 12:16:15 by Tigerman
点赞: 1
等级分: 1.95)
Driver Edelman Teases Future Plans After Long Silence
After taking a lengthy period of absence from the media, driver and owner Anthony Edelman took a moment to lament on his lack of a victory in the NASC Mexico Series- where he sits second in the standings despite still searching for his first win. &qu...
on 2020-06-02 21:51:40 by TonyEdelman
点赞: 9
等级分: 13.08)