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Slovenščina Formula E Za dirkači Formule E je že šest dirk in kot kaže nas čaka res zanimiva sezona, saj so po dve zmage osvojili vsi trije favoriti za naslov. Kljub temu pa s je Carter, ki je tudi glavni favorit za naslov, le uspel nabrati manjšo prednost pred zasledoval...
on 2021-01-04 11:16:08 by Clunker - 点赞: 6 | 等级分: 11.10)
Português, Brasil Feliz 2021! Neste ano a Comunidade brasileira verá, o nascimento de uma nova escuderia de ponta na F1 e quem sabe veja também a Lotus ocupando este posto!?!?! Kkkkk O Time Lotus F1 deseja a todos os brasileiros, e portugueses também (e pq não dizer logo: a TO...
on 2021-01-04 05:03:28 by pmarcio - 点赞: 9 | 等级分: 14.12)
Português Formula 4 Australian Series O piloto de 18 anos, Daniel Filipe Jr, piloto junior da equipa Jägermeister Trabant F1 Racing Team conseguiu hoje o seu primeiro pódio numa série oficial ao conquistar o 3º lugar. A corrida foi marcada pela chuva que se vez sentir no circuito Barbaga...
on 2021-01-03 15:31:22 by danizao10 - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 5.16)
English Morgan "The Final Countdown" wins on Ferrari the Formula 1 Baku GP First win of the season for Scuderia Ferrari in the Formula 1 World Championship. Morgan "The Final Countdown" takes the victory in the Baku GP after a double fight with Novikov and Saint Germain. Ferrari seems very fast at the start wit...
on 2021-01-02 20:33:53 by maxodent - 点赞: 12 | 等级分: 21.68)
Italiano Il 3° round del CIP F4 ritrova nel circuito del Mugello "il Becca"...e il Team Rockmax allunga! [url=https://imgbb.c... nella nostra rubrica del Campionato Italiano F4 e auguri a tutti di buon inizio 2021! Abbiamo lasciato da parte un anno veramente disastroso e speriamo che questo sia decisamente migliore per tutti! Ringrazio Chia per essere...
on 2021-01-02 03:45:00 by RossanoArtuso - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 7.18)
Magyar F1WS magyar szemmel: 40. szezon, 1. harmad Rendhagyó módon ezúttal két szériáról lesz szó a mostani szezon során: az F1WS mellett a Moto1-ről is szó fog esni, de nem fogok elmenni az elmúlt idők egyik legnagyobb port kavaró eseménye mellett sem. Ehhez egy újfajta stílus is dukál, amelynek az ...
on 2021-01-01 16:06:19 by rayzor06 - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 5.74)
English HAPPY NEW YEAR I wish health and happiness for you and your families!
on 2021-01-01 07:57:33 by Somebodystopme - 点赞: 13 | 等级分: 23.21)
Русский HAPPY NEW YEAR I wish health and happiness for you and your families!
on 2021-01-01 07:55:32 by Somebodystopme - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 4.82)
Nederlands Terug na corona. J. de Waard is op de weg terug na een corona besmetting. Hij heeft nog een lange weg te gaan maar wil weer rijden. Het team steund hem daarin en samen werken ze aan het herstel van de rijder. Voorlopig wordt ie nog afgezonderd voor de pers zodat hij ...
on 2021-01-01 03:40:35 by WalterAltena - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 6.16)
English WRC3: Argentina It was back to the sand and dust for WRS after a stint in Europe, and back to normality for the most part, as the first three days came and went without much drama. Wynn Hunter pulled out an early lead before being eclipsed by Vaculik, Ceļš continues...
on 2020-12-31 23:23:59 by Adamski - 点赞: 8 | 等级分: 13.54)
English Alex Rcoververs from a hard early rsaces in truck series After having many big misstacks in the first two races of the truck series in his rookie season for truck Alex keister started to go on a hot streak of the next 4 races he got two pudioms and a top five. He still has strugiels but with his teamate an...
on 2020-12-30 19:55:38 by kman901 - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 8.29)
Magyar Elkészült az új, belvárosi magyar pálya! Engedjétek meg, hogy bemutassam a legújabb budapesti versenyhelyszínt, mely nem más mint a belvárosban szinte minden nevezetességet felvonultató legújabb, utcai pályánk. Igen, ez a miénk, magunknak terveztem főként a Magyar Kupa helyszíneit felfrissí...
on 2020-12-30 19:05:08 by Boczy - 点赞: 6 | 等级分: 10.13)
Italiano Primo Campionato Italiano Formula 4: 2a TAPPA: Attenti ... al RAGNO! Eccomi.... Prima il dovere e poi il piacere. Il dovere mi dice di ricordare da dove eravamo partiti, dall’Albo d’oro. per gli smemorati Classifica individuale assoluta Stagione 39: Fisichella, Nuvolari, Del Ragno Stagione 38: Nannini, Fisichel...
on 2020-12-29 22:50:25 by chia99 - 点赞: 10 | 等级分: 18.36)
Nederlands Thibau Boutsen jr is terug Afgelopen week is Boutsen jr terug begonnen met spelen. Sindsdien is hij goed bezig in de Quick racen maar ook in zijn serie. Boutsen jr zit in de trc reeks op dit moment staat hij daar 5 de. Boutsen jr is nog een jonge renner hij is nog maar 2...
on 2020-12-29 13:03:25 by Thibautboutsen - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 5.58)
Português, Brasil Pinto ficando pra trás Depois do acostumado a disputar e ganhar campeonatos de WTCS, NASCAR, F1 e World GT, nesta temporada Asdrubal Pinto está apenas na 6a posição e vem chegando bem atrás nas corridas. "R... o carro não vem andando bem e não espero muito mais des...
on 2020-12-29 01:22:39 by pmarcio - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 8.65)
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