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Magyar Újítások, fontos információk Sziasztok! Eljött az ideje, hogy néhány fontos újításra felhívjam a figyelmeteket és elmagyarázzam mi és hogyan fog működni a jövőben. Remélem hasznos lesz ez kis írásom és minden információt át tudok adni, ami a birtokomban van. :) Először is ke...
on 2021-03-05 09:26:45 by Boczy - 点赞: 3 | 等级分: 5.75)
Português, Brasil Hoffmann, e o Verdinho? Hoffmann, recentes declarações do Verdinho Barrichello sobre você repercutiram na imprensa, o que você tem a dizer? Queria deixar claro a todos os meus fãs que esse cidadão aí quer apenas usar o meu nome para se promover, eu me preocupo com os pi...
on 2021-03-04 16:11:28 by DiogoSchwinn - 点赞: 9 | 等级分: 16.00)
English As season 41 has barely begun.. Mercedes Signs season 42 Drivers! When Jack Anderson turned over the Keys to Mercedes to me.. He said one thing.. Work your magic for Mercedes! This is tough thing to do only because I did not know what magic is.. But In landing our current two Drivers John Lawley I was extremely ha...
on 2021-03-04 12:07:36 by TerryWilson - 点赞: 9 | 等级分: 15.74)
English F1 head-to-head, Season 40 ...because team-mate is the first one to beat :) Here's the overview of season 40. Who won the internal battle and is it seen from standings? Find out below! Red Bull Chloe de Saint-Germain (2nd, 303pts) VS David Nalbandian (3rd, 289pts) Qu...
on 2021-03-04 10:02:40 by Darac - 点赞: 15 | 等级分: 27.54)
Nederlands Nederlandse Circuits Iedereen kent de circuits van Assen en Zandvoort. Maar Nederland heeft meer circuits. In dit spel zitten er nog een aantal. Zo hebben we ook de oval van Venray. Dit 880 meter lange circuit wordt in het echt voornamelijk gebruikt voor stockcar en NA...
on 2021-03-04 07:57:34 by Pollie - 点赞: 8 | 等级分: 13.79)
Italiano Presentazione Piloti Titan Racing Team Titan chiama, pilota risponde. Non appena è stata divulgata la notizia, al cospetto del TRT si sono presentati due nuovi piloti che, interessati dal progetto, hanno deciso di intraprendere questa nuova avventura con il team padovano. Stiamo parlando...
on 2021-03-03 19:32:54 by Firestorm3 - 点赞: 6 | 等级分: 9.97)
Português, Brasil Entrevista com Verdinho Barrichello Verdinho, fale mais sobre sua rivalidade com o Hoffmann II... Não tenho nada contra ele, ele que tem contra mim... Fale mais... A gente é contemporâneo em muitas categorias, mas ele fez as escolhas certas e o meu empresário e eu erramos na nossa...
on 2021-03-03 14:18:22 by And75Verdin - 点赞: 9 | 等级分: 14.53)
English dont want to sound rude just trying to help a high charisma will help you driver sign endorsement deals. It would be best if you go to the forum and read there are plenty of articles on how to set up a driver there is just way to much to just give you answers here this game takes a lot of plan...
on 2021-03-02 19:28:47 by AlanDavis - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 7.41)
English New Driver I would just like to ask everyone who understands more than me about this game. How do you make money?
on 2021-03-02 17:23:08 by Savagewof - 点赞: 1 | 等级分: 1.96)
English RE: New Driver in Need of Help by ''everything'' do you mean also ''overtaking risk'' and ''defending risk''? oh and there is the forum to ask questions like that (https://www.myracin...
on 2021-03-02 11:24:47 by Morfeusz - 点赞: 0 | 等级分: 0.00)
English New Driver in Need of Help Hello whoever may be reading this, So I've been playing for a little bit and I don't understand why I'm losing by 2+ laps every time in rookies cup. I go through the stints and follow the advice. The advice say the have everything around 10 so I do ...
on 2021-03-01 21:16:24 by Savagewof - 点赞: 5 | 等级分: 7.08)
Slovenščina Nepremagljiv Jerman Luka Jerman bo v tej sezoni še četrto sezono tekmoval v seriji turnih avtomobilov. Po treh sezonah v prvenstvu Beneluksa bo tokrat tekmoval v Iberskem prvenstvu. Za Jermana uvod v sezono ne bi mogel biti boljša, saj je na prvih treh dirkah bil vedno ...
on 2021-03-01 20:20:31 by MasterSplinter - 点赞: 4 | 等级分: 7.35)
Português, Brasil Auge ou decadência de A. Pinto? Asdrúbal Pinto agora pilota uma Lotus, o carro da equipe brasileira da F1. Ele sabe que o carro não é grande coisa, que não está ali pra disputar títulos, mas ele cumpre seu dever de ajudar a nação e o time com o seu rating. Após o bicampeonato na NA...
on 2021-02-28 20:20:06 by pmarcio - 点赞: 10 | 等级分: 15.73)
Nederlands BELNED 13 Nieuwsoverzicht 1 De eerste 2 races van BELNED zitten er alweer op. Voor ronde 1 waren wij beland op het Warneton International Speedway in Comines-Warneton. De Kwalificatie Top 8 zag er als volgende uit.
on 2021-02-28 19:19:56 by Valkory - 点赞: 2 | 等级分: 2.68)
Slovenščina Vidmar prvak Formule E Vidmarju je na zadnji dirki uspel res neverjeten preobrat in tako je še četrtič postal prvak Formule E. Po kvalifikacijah je kazalo, da ima Carter vse pod kontrolo saj si je še petič v sezoni zagotovil najboljši štartni položaj. Na drugi strani pa...
on 2021-02-27 09:56:54 by Clunker - 点赞: 6 | 等级分: 11.20)
1 ... 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ... 849