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新闻 - The problem is not a change in Randomness in qaulifying

The problem is not a change in Randomness in qaulifying

Back in season 25 the quality of the cars was more pronounced. But over time the biggest difference is the quality of the drivers. Now every team has at least a Good F1 capable driver, Back in season 25 the lesser teams had to race anyone willing to get beaten badly on a Bad team. Back in season 25 a driver from a top team would only lose his qualifying position to another top 5 car.. Now a Bad mistake in top car will put that top car midfield for the race virtually no shot at a podium.

So there is no changes that can bring back that time again. Lets face it The community driver Quality is now thick. The more you try to hold on to past by making un fair rule changes to protect it. The more we bleed new players from sticking around to have any future for the Top teams in F1..

The biggest challenge for the community is to Help new players stick around. To make the game as fair as possible and the same game we all started with.

The best thing we been begging for since I started Was Clan racing.. In every Online game small groups battling it out keeps those games Alive with new interest.. To be honest Clan racing championship would have more prestige then F1 because F1 community is all about protecting what they have earned and not about what is good for MRC long term!


on 2020-02-18 05:37:02 by TerryWilson
点赞: 8 | 等级分: 12.78

Formula 1: Qualifying Still Random

on 2020-02-17 10:59:56 by torbar4life - 点赞: 15 | 分数: 25.396

Formula 1: Qualifying Still Random There have only been four rounds of qualifying, but I think it's already safe to say, that despite the changes, nothing has actually changed when it comes to Formula 1 qualifying. Cars sophistication’s influ...


English To add to my Previous release
Nederlands De grote race naar het laatste circuit
English Just A Statement
Deutsch Das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten! "Update"