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新闻 - New contest. Everybody welcomed.

New contest. Everybody welcomed.

Another contest has ended.
As I mentioned my voting points not count.
The winner is KevinM. He donated 1150 points and received 50 MRC coins.
Second place is Nonsense, he donated 928 points and received 30 MRC coins.
Third place is DennisKlein, he donated 742 points and received 20 MRC coins.

Thank you to all participants, but the contest will continue on season 29 as well. The rules are the same,
on this contest the best voting point’s donor will receive 50 MRC coins, the second 30 MRC coins and the third 20 MRC coins. To increase the chance to win, I will not participate on this contest, (I’m banned again :D) my voting points will not cont.
So vote regularly and donate to team Trabant to win MRC coins.
To participate you don’t need the be Trabant fan, so everybody welcomed on this contest.
Good luck on MRC and RL.

Here you can see the Season 28 results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ch6s8CWyedQqe6l5H7atzs1JcKC8EwnK91XEpls0Rsk/edit?usp=sharing

AlfredVenczel2018-08-16 09:03:11 编写
点赞: 4 | 等级分: 7.52


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