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新闻 - Dominik Dan does not agree!

Dominik Dan does not agree!

Ok guys, I understand your point of view, why it is so difficult for you to get this, but the real true is, that in real motorsport, testing on wet tyres on dry track is useless. And this game wants to be as real as possible... Therefore the change to avoid advantages of testing with wet tyres must be reduced... The rules are the same for everybody, as they were before... So we hope that you will be able to accept that too :)

on 2012-12-12 11:40:24 by DebiK
点赞: 10 | 等级分: 12.65

Promocourse agreed Léa Poucette declaration !

on 2012-12-11 19:02:55 by Promocourse - 点赞: 2 | 分数: 3.035

Quite abnormal that to penalize people working and spending time to get the best set-up. most of jalous people asking for that have no license. We support this idea that people without license have to get back a return set-up lower than pro during tr...


Léa answer to Dominik Dan

on 2012-12-12 18:05:24 by ArverneF1 - 点赞: 5 | 分数: 4.082

"I think you didn't well understood my topic, Dan ! The topic of Debik said that people complained because a lot of drivers used dry tyres for wet track and the opposite for the test. So, if you wanted to do it, you was be able to do it. The gam...


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