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新闻 - Every F3 car combo at MonteCarlo

Every F3 car combo at MonteCarlo

Every F3 car combo is participating at the F3 Single race at Monte Carlo as we write this.
With a wide range of drivers from all World Ranks this should be interesting as which car combo's qualify the fastest.The track record had been held by drivers using mostly Myg-Vol cars.
The Qualifying track record is now held by
France P. de Saint-Germain Jr
F3 - DAL/F3 - VOL/F3 - CPR
Which stands at 01:29.972

And the results show
P. Grandi in a Dal-Vol was fastest.If he had a better S3 time he would have contested for a new track record.He needed a mere 0.083 sec. for a new record.

In the top 10 starting gridspots there are
4 Dal-Vol
1 Art-Vol
1 Dal-Hon
1 Art-Hon
2 Myg-Hon
1 Myg-Vol

ArkAngel2014-02-02 18:35:21 编写
点赞: 4 | 等级分: 5.01

and the top 10 car combo of the race

ArkAngel2014-02-04 16:13:03 编写 - 点赞: 1 | 分数: 1.718

1. Dal-Vol of P.Grandi ( who else would you expect) 2. Dal-Vol 3. Art-Vol 4. Myg-Vol 5. Myg-Hon 6. Myg-Hon 7. Myg-Hon 8. Art-Hon 9. Myg-Hon 10. Lol-Ren


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