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新闻 - Erik Rosberg´s 5 Season Domination

Erik Rosberg´s 5 Season Domination

Last 5 seasons have been successful for Erik Rosberg

Season 54: Erik Rosberg wins the TCR Europe championship.

Season 55: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship.

Season 56: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship for the second time.

Season 57: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship.

Season 58: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship for the second time

Four races remain in the World TCR series, and the lead over competitors is 107 points.

Erik Rosberg has climbed into the top 15 of the world rankings, with a rating exceeding 5.1k.

Next step is to get Rosberg´s fitness to 100, in race awareness to +90 and after that goal is to go to Formula 1 and to become first Finnish manager to win the World Championship

on 2024-11-23 07:58:36 by Sir_ErikSalama
点赞: 7 | 等级分: 13.43


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