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新闻 - Roland Ratzemberger Memorial

Roland Ratzemberger Memorial

When we think of Imola, the thought flew immediately to the death of champion Ayrton Senna, yet the day before another driver died on that circuit: Roland Ratzemberger.
This championship wants to remember this young Austrian who left us at the first season in the circus.
A championship on the slopes that saw him as the protagonist before his premature departure.
Those who wish to pay tribute, the registrations are open and may rest in peace.

on 2024-11-11 21:18:23 by tomcat75
点赞: 7 | 等级分: 11.11


on 2024-11-13 17:29:28 by NeilWilson - 点赞: 0 | 分数: 0.000

Well said tomcat. Roland was very handy in BMW's and sportscars if I remember correctly as well.


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