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新闻 - Dirt(y) Racing Series

Dirt(y) Racing Series

The Dirt(y) racing seriest returns!
There is a fun way to drive on the latest dirt tracks in this game: and it is called Dirt(y) Racing Series.

8 races on 8 different dirt tracks (7 ovals and 1 regular track) ,  top 10 shootout for pole.
do you want to join? check it out here: My Racing Career - Dirt(y) Racing Series

if we get a full field of 43 there will be prize money
on 2024-10-30 23:33:49 by Pollie
点赞: 4 | 等级分: 7.30


Español Pilotos españoles en la temporada
English The Triple Crown
English Formula 1: Ferrari hits the one-two in Hungary
Español Resumen del 75º Campeonato de España de Fórmula 4
Català Resum del 75è Campionat d'Espanya de Fórmula 4
Español Mi ausencia en el juego en ese semana
English Dirt(y) Racing Series
Català La meva absència d'aquesta setmana
Italiano Marengo parla del suo futuro
Català Els nostres pilots en sèries de temporades