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新闻 - GRT 2nd Anniversary Series Summary

GRT 2nd Anniversary Series Summary

Big thanks to every member of our team, as well as our guests for taking part in our little celebratory racing series! Keiyote showed that even though he left our club, he still hasn't forgotten what he learned here, securing 1-2 with Dewitt and Cannon ;) Big congrats to juhofin, SuA22 and Ohayoghurt as well - it is safe to say that out of all our current members they know best how to celebrate an anniversary!

Hope you had a lot of fun, see you all on racing tracks!

on 2024-08-26 21:30:52 by NavierStokes
点赞: 2 | 等级分: 1.93

Gallowbird Racing Team 2nd Anniversary

on 2024-08-02 07:54:09 by NavierStokes - 点赞: 5 | 分数: 7.435

Our club - Gallowbird Racing Team - turns two years old in upcoming weeks. If you would like to celebrate with us, you can join our private series and compete against our current and former drivers here: https://www.m... can sign-up, so hurry up, as...


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