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新闻 - CGT - Reine Peterson takes Pole, Wrecks 2nd, Barrichello 3rd. Trincao only 10th.

CGT - Reine Peterson takes Pole, Wrecks 2nd, Barrichello 3rd. Trincao only 10th.

Reine Peterson was the fastest in the last round of the CGT, he has at his side one of the favorites for the title Carson Wrecks, Ricardo Barrichello starts from 3rd.
Francisco Trincao III, the other favorite, starts the home event in 10th place in Qualifying.

Official Qualification Results:

We will have the first "match point" in Race 1, which could be decisive, but we believe that the decision will last until the last lap of Race 2, in Estoril.

on 2024-05-02 19:53:34 by LeKiD17
点赞: 3 | 等级分: 3.85


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