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新闻 - Mediterranean Series: Torrenti keeps his 4th place at Istanbul

Mediterranean Series: Torrenti keeps his 4th place at Istanbul

Not so well as past weeks, but in Turkey Mark L. Torrenti manages his races in order to keep his current position on the provisional podium in Mediterranean Series. Tenth in qualify, the Italian driver gets the 7th place in Race 1 an the 5th one in Race 2 with two performances without big emotions. After 5 podiums in the last 6 races, Torrenti declared: “I had no ways to put my wheels ahead my direct opponents here, I aimed to limit the damages in general classification waiting for best occasions”. Unreacheable the French De Montferrand and the Italian Zhanco who leads the series with, respectively, 189 points and 173. Torrenti still occupies the 3rd position with 128 points but Louis, French as De Montferrand, rescues a lot reaching 118 points. See you next week in the wonderful Montecarlo!

on 2012-10-21 20:10:40 by MarkLRivers
点赞: 3 | 等级分: 4.49


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