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新闻 - waaawaaa waaawaaa F1 Loophole closed and I am Laughing

waaawaaa waaawaaa F1 Loophole closed and I am Laughing

Finally coming from LKR I am loving this all of the teams abusing the systems for the last 34 seasons and complaining and I sat their and paid for all share issues for 10+ seasons and took it like a man. I paid to play the game and teams typically were spending 50-100 coins total for both coin issues huh I spent 1000 on top of all of the races I sponsored and everything. Else. Finally DebiK had the ballz to stand up to all of the cheap skates. which is virtually everyone. Good for the developers putting their foot down to make money which is the design of a game.

Shall I say Bravo!!!!

Very proud of the developers to stand their ground. if you have a problem with it make the top 3 otherwise stay quiet because in 35 season you have all had a chance. 7 years with about 12% season coin coming in from F1 which means 20*12*35 which is 8400 EURO'S possible and most likely THEY GOT LIKE 1400 EURO'S IN THAT TIME FRAME..

Good job Developers.

on 2021-12-27 00:38:57 by Slidejob
点赞: 2 | 等级分: 3.83


English Very Important Announcement (Mercedes Benz West)
English To add to my Previous release
English Mercedes Rose From The Ashes
Español Gracias 2024, bienvenido 2025