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新闻 - Drama in Macau-Guia

Drama in Macau-Guia

Today the Macau circuit race stewards has declared that a second driver has lost his live in Macau. the young CTM (Macau Touring Car Cup) driver lost his live while crashing hard in the wall at the second fast bend at Guia (Macau circuit). Our thoughts are with his family. Yesterday the Portuguese motorbike driver Luis Carreira lost his live while crashing in Fisherman´s bend (penultimate corner of the Guia circuit). Our thoughts are also with his family.

Source: www.gpupdate.net/en

on 2012-11-16 13:55:19 by vitaphone97
点赞: 2 | 等级分: 1.89

Drama in Macau-Guia

on 2012-11-16 16:08:49 by Braveheart - 点赞: 1 | 分数: 0.181

Italian thoughts are also with his family.


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