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Back to Work! After my vacation and a short illness I am now back to work on this game. I have to take care of some issues in my job, but that is nothing major. Read more about what you can expect in next few days.
English English @ 2012-02-02
Custom Series Very Successfull! Hello, guys... This time I am writing you because I am going for another vacation for few days, so probably i will not be online. I hope everything will go without problems...
English English @ 2012-01-12
Happy New Year 2012 Wishes from MyRacingCareer.com creators to all managers and their drivers!
English English @ 2011-12-31
Beta Series Launched! Christmas is coming and you managers just got a small present. As I promised, we just launched series for beta version. Read more about them here...
English English @ 2011-12-23
Beta Series Coming Soon! After considering the suggestions from you managers, we decided to make one extra step to make easier start of full version. Read more inside article.
English English @ 2011-12-14
Spanish Language This time my article will not be so much about latest development. We are still searching for a help so please read this article carefully...
English English @ 2011-11-27
We need help from you! I have some news about latest development, but this article is more about the help we need from you, because full version is coming!!! Read more...
English English @ 2011-11-18
More Improvements to Race Engine Hello! Today I would like to tell you more about the recent improvements to race engine. You have experienced races with many drivers not finishing the race recently, but that is not going to be the topic any more. Read more details in this article...
English English @ 2011-11-11
News About Development 2011-11-03 This is just a quick news, not much new but inportant information inside article :)
English English @ 2011-11-03
First Big Problem Today Hello, many of you today found out that no races were calculated... Few of you asked me what has happened... Read more here.
English English @ 2011-10-20
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