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IMPORTANT: Information About the Bug Hi everybody, this is just short news about the bug, read more about it here...
English English @ 2012-07-29
News About Development 2012-07-13 Hi everybode! Today is 13th day and friday but it doesn't mean bad things for the game, actually really good news. Read more about it here... :)
English English @ 2012-07-13
News About Development 2012-07-02 Hi mates! You can read in this news about latest developments and how we are going with rookie series.
English English @ 2012-07-02
News About Development 2012-06-08 Hi friends, again is time for new news about development. We have added some new sections to game, you can read about them in this article. :)
English English @ 2012-06-08
News About Development 2012-05-14 It's about two weeks from last news... Someone of you have thought that we aren't currently working because here is no new sections which you can see. Read more about this in new news :)
English English @ 2012-05-14
News About Development 2012-04-29 It's a long time when we wrote last news but it doesn't mean that we aren't doing the work! In this article I want to tell you about last developments and how is going with full version... Read about it in this article :)
English English @ 2012-04-29
News About Development 2012-04-07 First of all we wish you a nice days off during Easter. Take your rest and enjoy the time with your family! And now to the latest changes in the game. And how about the full version?
English English @ 2012-04-07
News About Development 2012-03-17 Hello everybody. We have some big news today. Many of you already know about it, but here is some more detailed info.
English English @ 2012-03-17
IMPORTANT!!! Security of Your Personal Data Hello, this time I would like to explain you more about the security of your personal data, especially your password at this game site. And I would like to give you some advice how to avoid some possible problem.
English English @ 2012-03-07
News About Development 2012-02-13 Today we have 13th day of the week. 13 might be unlucky number for some of you, and today not a good day, so I would like to make you little happier and explain you more about latest development.
English English @ 2012-02-13
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