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NEWS: F1 Team Auction. A news brief about the latest F1 team share auction.
English English @ 2015-02-26
NEWS: F1 Team Auction. Today's news brings details of new shares up for auction.
English English @ 2015-02-15
NEWS: F1 Team Auctions. Hi guys, I bring you news of F1 team shares up for grabs!
English English @ 2015-01-28
Are You Ready For Season 12! The new season is almost upon us and we here at My Racing Career headquarters are looking forward to a big year of racing!
English English @ 2015-01-11
Trophy of Champions #8 This season sees the second time the Trophy of Champions will begin at the start of a new season rather than at end. Today's news serves as a reminder of this series along with some additional details.
English English @ 2015-01-08
NEWS: Team Auctions If you want to get involved in F1 Team Ownership, now is as good a time as ever!
English English @ 2015-01-06
Happy New Year 2015! Now is time to celebrate all of your success during 2014 and welcome all new wonderful things to happen during 2015! It's great to have you playing MRC and we hope to see you playing the game also next year. Of course we would like to see new faces here in the game during next year too.
English English @ 2014-12-31
Merry Christmas! Hi guys, we're close to our third Christmas running the full version of MRC, and on behalf of DebiK and all of the MRC team I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families...
English English @ 2014-12-23
NEWS: New Features Hi guys, MRC are always looking to improve your gaming experience here and today I bring you news about brand new features as well as information about planned features for the future!
English English @ 2014-12-18
NEWS: Team Member Recruitment Drive! Hi guys, today I bring news of MRC's latest recruitment drive! If you have ever wanted to be part of the MRC team, and you have the time and qualities required, now is your chance!
English English @ 2014-12-09
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English Chaotic Jeddah: Novikov with the early knockout blow?