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我们使用Cookie来改善您的游戏体验并分析我们的流量。 我们还会与我们的社交媒体,广告和合作伙伴分享您使用我们网站的信息。
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关于未来的更多消息 这次我们将告诉大家关于我们下赛季计划的一些内容,包括比赛程式、新大奖赛、比赛俱乐部和拉力赛等方面的改变。
中文 中文 @ 2017-09-18
F1的未来 本文我将阐述F1赛事将在未来发生的一些改变。此外还有赛车队、拉力赛和摩托车赛季大奖赛的新消息。有些不幸地,在游戏最近的问题之后,我们需要提醒您即将发生的事情。
中文 中文 @ 2017-08-31
What happened last 2 days? This question improved by strong word hell - "What the hell happened?" was asked by many of you today! And the response is not easy, the only thing i can say is we will do everything possible to avoid that in the future.
English English @ 2017-08-27
Clans Information & Referral Campaign Hi, mates! We have some information to you about clans progress and it's also time for referral campaign! This is chance for you to earn some coins before we publish racing clans into the game. You can read more about from this article.
English English @ 2017-06-23
Rally Testing! Rally races are launched in testing phase and we are looking for errors.
English English @ 2017-06-19
Formula 1: Quick rule change! We just want to inform you that from this moment, leaving the fanclub of Formula 1 team is possible only after more than 20 days! Not immediatelly or just few days after joining. Explanation inside the article!
English English @ 2017-06-17
Game of the Year! Thanks to you managers!
English English @ 2017-05-22
End of Season 22 Here we are at the end of season 22!
English English @ 2017-05-01
Last Changes in Track Knowledge After last series of comments to the system of track knowledge gained from Racing Simulator and track experience we came up by last changes in the system to make it fair to everybody. We also will do some more changes in F1 next season and all information about that is also inside this article. As a result it also affects racing in all cars not just F1.
English English @ 2017-04-22
Changes in Racing Simulator Based on your comments and hints we did some changes in the system especially in track experience knowledge. Please read carefully and we wait for your further ideas.
English English @ 2017-04-12
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