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我们使用Cookie来改善您的游戏体验并分析我们的流量。 我们还会与我们的社交媒体,广告和合作伙伴分享您使用我们网站的信息。
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Motorbike Series Coming! Today I would like to announce that motorcycles season series are comming to the game next season. Everything is prepared except few small things and one important thing I would like to ask you about inside the article.
English English @ 2018-06-04
The General Data Protection Regulation Today I would like to explain a little bit about new European Union regulation on data protection and privacy. This topic does not change much in the game so it might not be that important for you to fully understand it but if you read following article it will not be just a waste of a time.
English English @ 2018-05-29
第28赛季赛历变更 伴随着新赛季的到来,你将发现一些赛季大奖赛的赛历已经更新。我们想让它们更加现实,所以我们希望你们能享受新的变化。去看看吧!
中文 中文 @ 2018-05-22
Car Painting Competition - second round Hello, first round of our new competition started slowly, but some nice designs were submited. Second round starts now and the topic is Phone Manufacturer Sponsors. Also you can see results of first round in the article.
English English @ 2018-05-07
Car Painting Competitions I am sure you might have seen already our new share livery tool in your garage. Today I would like to inform you about a new competition we will have in our game every month from now. It is a car, helmet and suit design competition actually using this new tool. Actually 2 competitions.
English English @ 2018-04-01
下一赛季的F1 我们将为大家介绍有关下赛季F1的两项重要事项。其中一项可以从新闻配图中看到,另一项已经在F1的更新页面宣布。
中文 中文 @ 2018-03-09
第27赛季来临! 大家好,在此我们想提醒大家距离新赛季的开始还有大概一周时间。这将是我们的第27个赛季,这是个好数字。第26赛季的终结意味着完整版本游戏的2002天,大约相当于67个月或是5年半!感谢大家的支持,祝大家好运。文中有一些信息,请留意。
中文 中文 @ 2018-03-04
MRC团队变动 大家好。今天我将宣布我们MRC辅助团队的一个重要变动。由于我们长久以来的MRC团队领导者,Edis10,的个人原因,他已经不再保持活跃状态以完成它作为社群领导者的工作。因此我决定为MRC团队寻找新的领导者。请大家在下文中欢迎他。同时我们也在寻找更多的助手。
中文 中文 @ 2018-02-07
全套丝带现已上线! 我已迫不及待地告诉大家我和我的创作团队已经创造了新的丝带作为之前已有的补充。现在我们有了可以在每个月为你的用户简介添加的特别丝带。作为给予集满全部12条丝带的玩家的福利,我们准备了神秘大礼!详情可见你的用户简介和和荣誉称号部分。
中文 中文 @ 2018-01-09
Happy New Year!!! I would like to wish you all the best in your personal lifes and also good luck in our game this year! And you might ask what new is planned for the game so read this article to get more info :)
English English @ 2018-01-01
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Italiano non credo
English Green Scores At The Nürburgring
Suomi Vuoden 2024 Suomalaiskuljettaja
English Something I’ve noticed
English Chaotic Jeddah: Novikov with the early knockout blow?
Español Entrevista con Miki
Català Entrevista con Miki
English Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From Mercedes West