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Best Press Release Writers Rewarded! #10

Best Press Release Writers Rewarded! #10

It's 10th time when we are sharing rewards for you about the press releases. Lot of users have received their first coins from this campaign, so let's see who are the winners this time...

This time we are again late but we all were so busy that it was impossible to reward users and create news. So sorry for that. We have counted how many coins we have shared because of this campaign, it was 4550 and today we got 400 more, so it's almost 5000 coins! It's huge amount of coins, so maybe it's worth of write some press releases, what do you think?

Here are the winners. This time the list of winners is created by flipers:
- Fixboy for his german press release.
- IceBoert for his english press release.
- Ciccioz for his italian press release.
- Kagurs for his latvian press release.
- BZoltan for his hungarian press release.
- Wokinger for his polish press release.
- Formulak for his slovakian press release.
- Nightwolf13 for his russian press release.

Next time we will reward best press releases will be in 2 weeks on Monday 15th of July 2013.

Don`t hesitate to write your press release to have chance to win coins, everybody can write one. And also don`t hesitate to give your like to press releases you liked. You can help somebody to be rewarded.

Ok, that's all today, congratulation for all winners! :)

by Arskap
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