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News About Development 2011-11-03

News About Development 2011-11-03

This is just a quick news, not much new but inportant information inside article :)

unfortunatelly last few days I was fighting with a sickness, and I am still not okay, but at least I am able to work. We added some new tracks, you can follow this in our to-do list.

Important for you is that you can already apply to the series. This will help you to see how you stands in driver rankings and where you will probably be placed at the start of full version.

We will do some more tweaks to racing simulation to avoid so many DNFs, so the racing will be more fun for you, but of course we still have to give some penalty to drivers with low reactions or concentration, so they still will do the mistakes.

That is it for today, good luck!

by DebiK
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