USA who?
Blah blah blah.
I'm thinking of phrase involving the words money and mouth.....
The UK racing association (GBM) challenges the USRA to a private series showdown, to the winner goes the spoils and to the winning country goes the honour.(yes th...
on 2016-04-14 05:32:47 by thedonz
Лайки: 14
Рейтинг: 24.84)
Calendário de Competições para a temporada 18 & Inscrições abertas para o Brasileirão
Nessa temporada resolvemos ampliar nosso alcance e organizaremos três competições, que foram distribuídas da seguinte forma:
MTCC: 18/04 - 27/04
Campeonato Brasileiro: 28/04 - 27/05
Campeonato Sul-Americano: 04/06 - 03/07
Lembrando que todas ...
on 2016-04-14 03:23:12 by jeansapia
Лайки: 17
Рейтинг: 21.14)
Diesel geht heimlich, still und leise
Die Entscheidung stand schon lange fest, mehrmals wurde es angekündigt, der Abschied wurde dennoch ohne Nebengeräusche abgewickelt. Einen Tag vor seinem 33. Geburtstag hängt Eduardo Diesel seinen Helm an den Nagel. Diesel räumt nicht nur seinen Platz...
on 2016-04-14 02:18:50 by edis10
Лайки: 12
Рейтинг: 20.51)
Love the Passion!!
Keep bringing the passion! We can use it, for sure.
Wayne's my third driver, because it took me some experimenting to figure out one of the stronger starting skill setups. Now there are a bunch of USA managers who are taking the slow and patient...
on 2016-04-14 00:06:19 by Lee1950
Лайки: 10
Рейтинг: 17.85)
Lets race!
Excited to get going!!
I wish MRC had a week of F1 testing in Barcelona!
(Loving Wayne's personalized helmet.)
on 2016-04-13 23:43:46 by Lee1950
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 6.03)
Red Bull Racing Vaillante F1 dévoile la livrée de sa voiture pour la saison 18
L'équipe française quintuple championne du monde de Formule 1 vient tout juste de dévoiler la livrée de son nouveau bolide.
La RBVF1#18 s'annonce une nouvelle fois comme la référence du plateau de Formule 1 et comme la digne héritière de la RB...
on 2016-04-13 20:34:40 by JordanF1
Лайки: 8
Рейтинг: 14.43)
Eric Santos, campeón de la F3 brasilera temporada 17
El brasileño Eric Santos, con un MYG Volvo, se coronó campeón de la temporada 17 de la Formula 3 brasilera, en un final muy apretado con el italiano Ayrton Bayliss (Lola-Volvo) donde llegaron a la última fecha igualados en 811 puntos.
Bayliss dominó...
on 2016-04-13 20:14:55 by AlejandroGarcía
Лайки: 1
Рейтинг: 1.63)
2 Modal Rio Haryanto Hadapi F1 GP China
Optimistis menatap balapan ketiga F1 2016, GP China, 17 April 2016. Pebalap Manor Racing asal Indonesia itu sudah punya modal untuk meraih hasil bagus di Sirkuit Internasional Shanghai.
Bekal pertama Rio adalah keberhasilan masuk finis untuk...
on 2016-04-13 17:43:54 by hoirudin
Лайки: 13
Рейтинг: 12.63)
Damian Polwicz received a donation !
Damian Polwicz has a rich family and they decided to support his racing career financially. Their donation was added to his account!
Amount Received: 500 000 €
on 2016-04-13 17:07:07 by DamianPoland
Лайки: 2
Рейтинг: 2.74)
F1: Audi - pogled nazaj, korak naprej
Z dirko v Abu Dabiju se je zaključila še ena sezona formule 1, ki je bila za ekipo Audi Motorsport najslabša v zgodovini. Ekipa je končala sezono brez osvojene točke, v prvenstvu konstruktorjev pa smo osvojili le predzadnje mesto.
Vseeno pa gredo...
on 2016-04-13 11:07:26 by torbar4life
Лайки: 5
Рейтинг: 8.04)
Končane sezonske serije
Zupančič končal na 2. mestu, Mejak in Ter na 3. mestu.
V zadnjem, 10. tednu 17. sezone so slovenski dirkači osvojili naslednje rezultate:
Formula 1:
Dare Klun (Audi) 24. in 24. mesto - v seštevku končal na 27. mestu brez osvojenih točk, naj...
on 2016-04-13 10:49:48 by Darac
Лайки: 0
Рейтинг: 0.00)
Croatian series
M Skarp Jr. je druhý z rodiny příznivců vůně benzínu a spálených pneumatik, kteří se vydali cestou závodního jezdce.
Jakožto nováček, který teprve získává zkušenosti a se vydal v 17. sezóně na jih, aby se poměřil se slovanskými bratry v Croati...
on 2016-04-13 09:50:39 by Skarpik
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 7.23)
Where does the USA Stand??? Part 2....
I wasn't calling out leadership actually it was a calling to all drivers... Step up we are number 1 in numbers, number 1 in licenses so people play.
Please don't say I was criticizing the hammerheadz. It was the decision of a driver to sacrifi...
on 2016-04-13 03:05:25 by BradleyBundy
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 7.18)
F1: Audi Looking back - Stepping forward
MRC F1 is a tough fight to be in, the teams are tough, the drivers are tough, building a car is tough, tough tough tough. sometimes in a tough environment you have to make sacrifices. For Audi Motorsports S17 was a sacrifice - a necessary evil - ...
on 2016-04-13 01:49:13 by thedonz
Лайки: 22
Рейтинг: 39.40)
USRA Is Fine
According to a recent press release by BradleyBundy, I had to state my own opinions and point out some things that are wrong with the press release.
First off, as the title states, the USRA is fine. We've had great presidents such as Ablesser88, n...
on 2016-04-12 22:13:06 by adams008
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 10.58)
Найкращі Прес-Релізи
Leonard Ellison Retires at 21, Shifts Focus to Social Media Stardom After Unsuccessful Racing Career