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English INDY F3 Series Texas Motor Sports is proud to bring you the first 8 Races of the Indy senior circuit in F3 cars... This series features all races the Big Boys will see with 2 exceptions... 1 you will get sprint races in all 3.. 2 Instead of 2 Belle Island...
on 2016-09-16 00:35:38 by TerryWilson - Лайки: 1 | Рейтинг: 1.74)
English NASCAR GOLD CUP JR (MUSCLE) We are proud to announce the First Nascar Gold Cup Jr (Muscle Cars) .. This series features the first 10 races Nascar Gold Features before they are raced. This in the Car most similar to the Big boys so track Data can help create as useable Base Dat...
on 2016-09-15 23:28:42 by TerryWilson - Лайки: 2 | Рейтинг: 3.42)
English U18 International Challenge Cup Update Here we are just two races from the finish of the first U18 International Challenge Cup and the series hasn't disappointed yet with five different winners in the first eight races. The series has seen six drivers still mathematically still fi...
on 2016-09-15 22:29:29 by Canada_Red - Лайки: 3 | Рейтинг: 3.24)
English HA HA love it!! Unless there is another party that hasn't bothered driving the cost up like the current boys are; which makes sense since they are current Share holds at Mercedes. It will be interesting to see how it plays out over the next 24 hrs but I don't ex...
on 2016-09-15 21:51:06 by Canada_Red - Лайки: 3 | Рейтинг: 4.40)
Deutsch Chris Heel feiert Jubiläum! 100! Das ist die Anzahl der Rennen die Chris Heel nun erreicht hat und langsam nicht mehr als kompletter Greenhorn durch geht. Die Statistiken jedoch zeigen: Es ist noch deutlich Luft nach Oben. Bei 5 Siegen und nur 13 Podiumsplätzen kann man einfac...
on 2016-09-15 17:09:09 by Futuristic - Лайки: 3 | Рейтинг: 3.80)
Français L. Baralair courra peut être sa dernière saison en ETCS A l'aube de la saison 20, beaucoup de choses bougent chez Red Bull Vaillante, notamment en F1 mais pas seulement. Nous avons pu croiser Krinkle et son pilote L. Baralair et en avons profité pour questionner le binôme sur la saison passée et leur aven...
on 2016-09-15 15:50:27 by Krinkle - Лайки: 8 | Рейтинг: 13.26)
Deutsch Neue Motivation und den Blick nach vorne... Die Unstimmigkeiten ausgeräumt, den Blick nach vorne gerichtet. So präsentierte sich das Team Da Rin Racing am Ende der Saison 19. Fahrer Ulf konnte noch ein paar gute Ergebnisse liefern und so sein Talent beweisen und das Team bemühte sich um eine b...
on 2016-09-15 13:14:44 by Ibralosch - Лайки: 2 | Рейтинг: 3.76)
Čeština Holíčský zámecký okruh Vážení přátelé motorizmu, Určitě ste si všimli že se mezi slovenskými okruhy objevil také Holíčsky Okruh.. Určite to neni náhoda ani trať vymyšlená protože právě v sobotu 17.9.2016 se uskuteční VIII. ročník Majstrovstiev Európy vintage historick...
on 2016-09-15 13:10:08 by deka96 - Лайки: 4 | Рейтинг: 7.20)
English Who will take control of the Mercedes? Who will resurrect the Mercedes from the ashes? 2 auctions and many competitors... too many competitors? 1) auctions BrevExit Link: https://www.myracing... auctions OtaryExit Link: https://www.myracing... will win? I do not know, but I can tell...
on 2016-09-15 12:14:30 by KrovatarGERO - Лайки: 5 | Рейтинг: 8.06)
Italiano Who will take control of the Mercedes? Who will resurrect the Mercedes from the ashes? 2 auctions and many competitors... too many competitors? 1) auctions BrevExit Link: https://www.myracing... auctions OtaryExit Link: https://www.myracing... will win? I do not know, but I can tell...
on 2016-09-15 12:05:26 by KrovatarGERO - Лайки: 1 | Рейтинг: 1.75)
Deutsch Grube steigt in die DTM auf Das hatte wohl keiner kommen sehen. Claire Grube wird in S20 das Feld der deutschen Starter in der DTM verstärken. Unbest... Gerüchten zur Folge hat Grubes Manager Fixboy ca. 1.1 Millionen in das Team DSASTA RACING investiert um seiner Faherin den P...
on 2016-09-15 08:19:28 by Fixboy - Лайки: 4 | Рейтинг: 6.79)
English Overcheiver or Under Acheiver the Tales of 1 driver Aaron Foyt had a wild topsy turvey season 19.. While racing against some top driver in world in Formula E.. He started the season slow ranked 14th overall by Midseason he was achieving beyond anyones wildest expectations.. By season end a flurry of ...
on 2016-09-15 03:06:41 by TerryWilson - Лайки: 4 | Рейтинг: 5.94)
Português, Brasil Campeonato Brasileiro de Ovais - 1ª Edição No último dia 10 de setembro, foi concluída a primeira e altamente bem sucedida edição do Campeonato Brasileiro de Ovais. Juca Macieira sagrou-se campeão mesmo participando de apenas 18 das 21 etapas da disputa, totalizando 426 pontos. Em segundo ...
on 2016-09-14 19:40:11 by Rogerius - Лайки: 17 | Рейтинг: 23.98)
Español gran victoria de maclaren Es hora de celebrar! Rocco Rapido gana el campeonato de pilotos de McLaren en la temporada 11 de la F1 ! Con 8 victorias y 19 carreras en la parte superior 10 del conductor capitanes de equipo obtuvo 295 puntos y añade el título 1er pilotos de l...
on 2016-09-14 16:21:41 by christian7 - Лайки: 2 | Рейтинг: 2.87)
Français Révision de pilotage Actuellement le pilote Belge recherche son style de pilotage. Il parvient a réussir quelques courses sans pour autant briller. Par ailleurs la formule 3 est le meilleurs moyen de savoir si le pilote est capable d'allez au delà. La saison procha...
on 2016-09-14 10:53:14 by GrégoryChapelain - Лайки: 4 | Рейтинг: 6.37)
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